2385 examples of interpretation in sentences

For he treated it, as his friend said of him, with the hand and mind of an artist, laying out his whole subject and distributing it into its constituent parts, by definition and interpretation making clear what seemed obscure, and distinguishing the false from the true in legal principle.

But, under the interpretation of those, who, like Professor Hodge and yourself, confine the meaning of doulos and doule to a species of servants, the prophecy would have reference to persons of all ages, classes, and conditionsexcepting certain descriptions of servants.

Under this interpretation, we are brought to the absurd conclusion, that the spirit is to be poured out upon the master and his slavesbut not upon his hired servants.

Now, under my interpretation of the Apostolic injunction, all husbands, all wives, all parents, all children, and all servants, in this community, are told their respective duties: but, under yours, these duties are enjoined on all husbands, all wives, all parents, all children, and a part of the servants.

May we not reasonably complain of your interpretation, that it violates analogy?

You interpret the Apostle's language, in this case, as I do; and it is not a little surprising, that, with your interpretation of it, you can still advocate slavery.

The interpretation of the oracle flashed across his mind, for he remembered that goat and fig tree, in the Messenian dialect were the same word.

Feeling a certain sympathy for her painful confusion of mind, I did my best to give his words an interpretation which soothed her fears.

Of course, when I say the world I mean society, and when I say Christianity I mean our interpretation of it.

'The morning of the 29th,' he says, 'was ushered in by the dismal ringing of bells, the groans of distant guns, and the savage shouts of the populace; and I arose from a long train of dreams, which defied recollection as well as interpretation.

"'Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas:' which is, by interpretation a stone.

their interpretation was another matter altogether. .

An interpretation of the Twenty-Third Psalm (Cloth, 75 cts. net)


Its purpose is to give an interpretation, a cumulative impression, the spirit of the words, music, and mystic meaning, blended together into one story and picture.

But the actual work of this translation and interpretation was done in the summer of 1902 at Bayreuth, and in part at Nuremberg and Munich.

The marvellous music at Bayreuth helped in every way in the interpretation of the drama.

Yet one or two suggestions of interpretation may not be amiss, for it is confessedly one of the most mystical of modern dramas.

An Interpretation of Francis Thompson's Hound of heaven.

Biographical sketch, fingering, phrasing, pedaling & instructive annotations on form & structure & interpretation, by Maurice Aronson.

The way of all women; a psychological interpretation.

The true and invisible Rosicrucian Order; an interpretation of the Rosicrucian allegory and explanation of the ten Rosicrucian graces.

The interpretation of St. Mark's and St. Luke's gospels.

Contemporary English theology; an American interpretation.

" Some lawyers are worse than highway robbers; they make the laws as legislators to suit their own iniquitous, selfish purposes, so worded that they are susceptible of almost any interpretation, thus leading to endless litigations by which these cannibal devourers of reputations are robbing the public of their possessions.

2385 examples of  interpretation  in sentences