197 examples of inviolable in sentences

I am henceforward, by his inviolable decree, to sit and hear his harangues without daring to oppose him.

The bishop of OXFORD spoke to the following purport:My lords, as I am not yet convinced of the expedience of the bill now before us, nor can discover any reason for believing that the advantages will countervail the mischiefs which it will produce, I think it my duty to declare, that I shall oppose it, as destructive to virtue, and contrary to the inviolable rules of religion.

The inviolability had been demolished by those who were inviolable.

Now, I wish you to put in writing that you will remain faithful to me, and maintain the most inviolable fidelity.

How, again, if not one alien nature, but two, but three, but four, but five, are introduced within what once he thought the inviolable sanctuary of himself?

These notions have served only to make women more arrogant and overbearing; so that one is occasionally reminded of the holy apes in Benares, who in the consciousness of their sanctity and inviolable position, think they can do exactly as they please.

Still, this pride must not be put down to religion, but, rather, to the feudal system, which made every nobleman a petty sovereign who recognized no human judge, and learned to regard his person as sacred and inviolable, and any attack upon it, or any blow or insulting word, as an offence punishable with death.

The medicine dance is a sacred rite, in honor of the souls of the dead; the mysteries of this dance are kept inviolable; its secrets have never been divulged by its members.

Holding, as he did, that inviolable secrecy was one of the prime functions of an editorthough the practice has since become very differenthe never attempted to vindicate himself, or to reveal the secret as to the writers of the reviews.

He knew that the faith of lone riders to each other was an inviolable bond.

To this Postumius replied, "In the mean time surrender us as unsanctified persons, which ye may do, without offence to religion; those sacred and inviolable personages, the tribunes, ye will afterwards deliver up as soon as they go out of office: but, if ye listen to me, they will be first scourged with rods, here in the Comitium, that they may pay this as interest for their punishment being delayed.

Means long in operation importantPrisons awfully corruptingDeplorable condition of those released from jailEducation of the infant poorIts beneficial resultsCases of inviolable honestyAppeal of Mr. Serjeant BosanquetThe infant school an asylum from accident and a prevention of various evilsObstacles in the way of married persons obtaining employmentArguments for the plan of infant trainingPrevalence of profane

Who both made them and rendered them so inviolable?

And this plea was advanced in the face of overwhelming evidence tending to show that the officials, for whose record so inviolable a sanctity was claimed, were appointed for the express purpose of falsifying that record!

Its [the General Government's] jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects.

It declares, in the first place, that there shall be firm, inviolable, and universal peace and a true and sincere friendship between the French Republic and the United States.

Amongst the inviolable "rights" was that of holding slaves, as Mr. Leigh contended.

They held their possessions independently, and the Egyptians seem to have regarded them as inviolable.

Have they the exclusive occupation of an extensive and fertile tract of country for the culture of their own crops, and for rearing immense herds of their own cattleand all these held independently of their masters, and regarded by them as inviolable?

They held their possessions independently, and the Egyptians seem to have regarded them as inviolable.

Do they live in a separate community, in their distinct tribes, under their own rulers, in the exclusive occupation of an extensive tract of country for the culture of their crops, and for rearing immense herds of their own cattleand all these held inviolable by their masters?

Congress powerless to protect a man's right to himself, when it can make inviolable the right to a dog!

George Eliot never goes so far as to say that man may, by virtue of his inward life, rise superior to all circumstances, and maintain the inviolable sanctity of his own moral nature.

" In another place Molyneux vindicates the dignity of a Parliament in words of singular force and moderation: "The rights of Parliament should be preserved sacred and inviolable wherever they are found.

Much has been said of the gallantry of the French ladies, and not entirely without reason; yet, though sometimes inconstant wives, they are, for the most part, faithful friendsthey sacrifice the husband without forsaking him, and their common interest is always promoted with as much zeal as the most inviolable attachment could inspire.

197 examples of  inviolable  in sentences