6699 examples of invited in sentences

After a season the conquerors grew lonesome, and invited them to return and abjure their false god, Ietu Kirito, whom they had defeated, and who by the Christians' own statement had been hanged on a tree by the Ati-Iuda, the tribe of Jews.

I sent to Papeete for a variety of edibles from the stores of the New-Zealand and German merchants, and spread a gay table, to which I often invited Choti and T'yonni, who were my hosts as frequently.

He especially had been impressed by the numbers of corks that flew in the house and on the green; and when I invited him to a bottle of champagne, he made hissing sounds and a plop to indicate that Rui had a penchant for that kind of wine.

Many spoke to me and invited me to come again.

As soon as a person was received into the membership, he was invited to join some one or other of the church organizations.

A man who gives a feast has his wives cook the choicest food they have, and when all is ready, he goes outside the lodge and shouts the invitation, calling out each guest's name three times, saying that he is invited to eat, and concludes by announcing that a certain number of pipesgenerally threewill be smoked.

The vintage is going on here at Genevrier to-day, and we are all invited to go and eat our fill.

I invited him to come to dinner on Wednesday and take his lessons.

At the close of the service Dr. H. invited us to take tea with him next week, and introduced us to his wife; a young, quiet little lady, looking as unlike most of us American parsonesses as possible, her parochial cares being, perhaps, less weighty than ours.

The Synod met there and I was invited to accompany George, and, quite contrary to my usual habits, I went.

The Wilbur twin was not invited upon this excursion, but his father winked at him when it was mentioned and he was happy.

He had the air of being in the world itself, but a transient, a cheerful and observant explorer finding entertainment in the manners and customs of a curious tribe, its foibles, conceits, and quaint standards of valuesince the most of them curiously adhered to one spot even though the round earth invited them to wander.

Nevertheless, he was not wholly surprised the following day when, politely invited to another conference at the bank, old Gideon Whipple, alone there, put the matter of his future somewhat after the manner of Judge Penniman, though far less crudely.

The next day we sailed on his steamer to meet the governor of the state, and his staff who were invited to attend a ball in his honor.

The daring ruffian, who knew the value of his own talents and courage, being aware that General San Martin was planning the expedition to Peru, a service in which there would be much of desperation and danger, sent word to the General that he was alive, and invited him to a secret conference at midnight, in the same Plaza in which it was believed Benavides had been shot.

In a day or two after, he was invited by them to eat a barbacued shoat, which invitation he accepted.

The captain invited me to supper in his cabin, and a berth for the night, which was truly acceptable.

I was kindly invited by Captain Matthew Rice, of schooner Galaxy, of Boston, to go on board his vessel, and live with him during my stay there.

I immediately wrote to him, and invited him to come on to the United States.

At your late session I invited your attention to the condition of the currency and exchanges and urged the necessity of adopting such measures as were consistent with the constitutional competency of the Government in order to correct the unsoundness of the one and, as far as practicable, the inequalities of the other.

It is the full conviction of this truth which emboldens me most earnestly to recommend to your early and serious consideration the measures now submitted to your better judgment, as well as those to which your attention has been already invited.

Bartley invited him to take an early dinner, and talk business.

So he invited Hope to England to guide him in what he loved better than steady business, viz., speculation.

He is invited to leave his home, and come two hundred miles to the directors' home, and vote in person.

For many leagues around there is no house, and I was glad enough when the young man invited me to share his meal.

6699 examples of  invited  in sentences