110 examples of irate in sentences

That afternoon an irate committee, composed principally of women, but including also a few men who had expressed disbelief in the new doctrine, arrived at the cabin of their preacher, but found there only his wife, cross-grained old Aunt Rebecca.

"Can't you look where you're going?you clumsy fool!" fumed the irate Grimes, redder of neck than ever.

Mr. Rushton bestows an irate kick upon the leg of the stool.

All the egotism of the devotee in her was aroused and irate.

The men, instead of being discouraged by the tremendous conflicts of the preceding days, were irate, defiant, and ready to resume the struggle.

Placing it before the irate lady, he fled as though determined to debar a third repudiation.

There is no irate husband here or moody master to tell them to be still.

"] "Look 'ere, we don't want none o' your non-sense," broke in the irate Mrs. Kybird, pushing her way past her husband and confronting the speaker.

This is the time when the youth is driven from home by the irate father, the time when the rebellious daughter is condemned without mercy, the critical period when most vices are begun and most juvenile crimes committed.

" "You Peggy," shouted the irate Aunt Judy, "shut up wid your fool talk!

"Keep mum," 'Frisco Kid whispered to him while the irate Frenchman was busy fastening the painter.

Hi!" "Capua, take Nan, and don't let me see your face again, till I send for it!" said his master, now slightly irate.

With his cigar in his mouth and his eye-glass in his eye he smiled with amused complacency, while his irate friend tried to pay him back, though hardly in his own sharp, ringing coin.

The Cobb had been allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair in the reign of Elizabeth that that irate lady refused to renew the borough charter until the townsfolk made good the damage.

The dialogue was clever, if dŽcadent, the situations amusing, the action rapid, the first act ending with the appearance of the irate wife of Aristide, and the disappearance of the guilty couple, just in time to avoid discovery.

An irate Christian opponent, in the discussion that followed the lecture, declared that I was responsible for a book entitled, "The Elements of Social Science," which was, he averred, "The Bible of Secularists."

" "Let him talk," said Mr. Thomson, hurriedly drawing his friend away from the irate skipper.

repeated Ted, who was getting slightly irate in his turn.

" "An' of course," said Mrs. McNally, casting a deprecating glance round at the irate faces, "we mustn't forget she doesn't rightly belong to the family.

This is the position of affairs when Venus appears in search of her wanton, and is shortly followed by the irate Neptune.

" Lee and I managed to conceal our mirth until our irate cook had gotten out of hearing.

" "And Case," rejoined the ever irate Ransom, "that if John Doe and Richard Roe, with a declaration in ejectment, could only be turned into doggerel, he would be an eminent land lawyer.

she said in an irate voice, "have you come, too?

This belligerent party was composed of two persons, to wit: one mother from the north end of Willow Creek, irate to the spluttering point, and one boy lagging as far behind the mother as his short arm would allow him to lag.

"A thousand devils!no," was Nobili's irate reply, pushing him back.

110 examples of  irate  in sentences