1188 examples of irene in sentences

Padre Irene nodded his approval as he rubbed his long nose.

Don Custodio could discredit himself with his Excellency, if he wished, but neither Ben-Zayb, nor Padre Irene, nor Padre Salvi, nor the offended Padre Sibyla had any confidence in the discretion of the others.

The Canon Irene indulged in a rather equivocal smile, which he half hid with his hand as he rubbed his nose.

" When the student said a certain person, he really meant Padre Irene, a great friend and adviser of Capitan Tiago in his last days.

"Padre Irene, whom you may have noticed above, and to whom we've presented a team of bays, has promised it to us.

"Get out, don't say that, Vice-Rector!" responded the Canon Irene, giving the other's chair a shove.

But neither Simoun, nor Ben-Zayb, nor Padre Irene, nor Padre Camorra knew it, so they begged for the story, some in jest and others from genuine curiosity.

Charles the Great was an earnest suitor to Irene the Empress, but, saith

London The Vanity of Human Wishes Prologue, spoken by Mr. Garrick, at the opening of the theatre-royal, Drury lane Prefatory Notice to the tragedy of Irene Prologue Irene Epilogue, by sir William Yonge Prologue to the masque of Comus Prologue to the comedy of the Good-natured Man Prologue to the comedy of a Word to the Wise Spring Midsummer Autumn Winter The Winter's Walk To Miss *

London The Vanity of Human Wishes Prologue, spoken by Mr. Garrick, at the opening of the theatre-royal, Drury lane Prefatory Notice to the tragedy of Irene Prologue Irene Epilogue, by sir William Yonge Prologue to the masque of Comus Prologue to the comedy of the Good-natured Man Prologue to the comedy of a Word to the Wise Spring Midsummer Autumn Winter The Winter's Walk To Miss *

In the Gentleman's Magazine, for February, 1749, we find that the tragedy of Irene was acted at Drury lane, on Monday, February the 6th, and, from that time, without interruption, to Monday, February the 20th, being in all thirteen nights.

Irene may be added to some other plays in our language, which have lost their place in the theatre, but continue to please in the closet.

Nota bene, there will be a new prologue on the occasion, written by the author of Irene, and spoken by Mr. Garrick."

The tragedy of Irene is founded on a passage in Knolles's History of the Turks; an author highly commended in the Rambler, No. 122.

The substance of the story is shortly this: In 1453, Mahomet laid siege to Constantinople, and having reduced the place, became enamoured of a fair Greek, whose name was Irene.

What Johnson has said of the tragedy of Cato, may be applied to Irene: "It is rather a poem in dialogue than a drama; rather a succession of just sentiments, in elegant language, than a representation of natural affections.

R99138, 26Aug52, Irene Calvert Phillips (NK) PHILLPOTTS, EDEN.

Irene Eby Olson (W); 26Oct54; R138105.

Irene Koeneke Hertzler (W); 23Jun66; R387895. HERTZLER, IRENE KOENEKE.

Irene Koeneke Hertzler (W); 23Jun66; R387895. HERTZLER, IRENE KOENEKE.


PADEN, IRENE D. The wake of the prairie schooner.

Irene D. Paden (A); 6Jul71; R508745. PAGE, KIRBY.

Irene Steinman (W); 1May72; R528348. STEINMAN, IRENE.

Irene Steinman (W); 1May72; R528348. STEINMAN, IRENE.

1188 examples of  irene  in sentences