66 examples of ironworks in sentences

There are two or three flax mills, and two or three ironworks, of no great extent; but, upon the whole, there is hardly any variety of employment there to lighten the disaster which has befallen its one absorbing occupation.

Thou hast but to write to t' ironworks to find me.

This was the birthplace of the Cleveland Ironworks, and Grosmont was at one time more famous than Middlesbrough.

How come they to dig up fish bones, shells, beams, ironworks, many fathoms under ground, and anchors in mountains far remote from all seas?


The great ironworks, with many tall buildings, stood at the edge of a waterfall.

The boy did not glance in that direction, but gazed intently at the ironworks.

Father Bear was well informed regarding the ironworks.

"You'll not get me to destroy the ironworks!" defied the boy.

The great ironworks adorn it like a row of precious stones, and its buckle is a whole city with castles and cathedrals and great clusters of houses.

M. Derblay's ironworks may have somewhat spoilt the beauty of the landscape, but Beaulieu remains a highly covetable estate.

Philippe was relieved to find the Baron de Préfont present; he had read a treatise of his, which delighted the baron, who at once became very friendly, and insisted on visiting the ironworks.

The occasional rattling of a cart was all we caught of the peaceable rumour of the town; but on clear nights the furnaces of Cauldon Bar Ironworks lit the valley for us, and we were reminded that our refined and inviolate calm was hemmed in by rude activities.

A few cotton mills were built in the Piedmont where water power was abundant, and a few small ironworks and other industries; but the supremacy of agriculture was nowhere challenged.

Near the bridge, at the lower end of the village of Rievaulx, a place still called the "Forge," was possibly an ironworks under the superintendence of the monks.

I am much obliged to your correspondent "D.S.Y" for the suggestion that the Tour through Great Britain, by a Gentleman, from which I sent you some extracts relating to the Ironworks of Sussex, is from the pen of Daniel Defoe.

An opportunity occurred about the same time of my entering on a tolerably remunerative career as agent for some Belgian ironworks in America; and I had no option but to close with the offer at once or lose the chance altogether.

Old French ironwork: the craftsman and his art.

And to the left, between the railway and the dark mass of the low hill beyond, dominating the whole view, colossal, inky-black, and crowned with smoke and fitful flames, stood the great cylinders of the Jeddah Company Blast Furnaces, the central edifices of the big ironworks of which Horrocks was the manager.

He stood with his hands in his pockets, frowning down at the dim steaming railway and the busy ironworks beyond, frowning as if he were thinking out some knotty problem.

The ironworks had grown larger and spread out with their approach.

"Out of the way," said Horrocks with a gasp, as the train came rattling by, and they stood panting by the gate into the ironworks.

Horrocks stood for half a minute, then turned abruptly towards the ironworks again.

But the big dynamo drowned these little noises altogether with the sustained drone of its iron core, which somehow set part of the ironwork humming.

Not common rocks they were, undermined by waves; but great curved banks like ironwork cinder heaps, with green slime below, and thorny shrubs and things just waving upon them here and there, and the water glassy calm and clear, and showing you a kind of dirty gray-black shine, with huge flaring red-brown weeds spreading motionless, and crawling and darting things going through it.

66 examples of  ironworks  in sentences