1642 examples of irritating in sentences

A girl who sat in the seat behind me giggled in an irritating manner.

I remember, for instance, that I was compelled in my youth, during an epidemic of cholera, to stay in a closed room, in which fumigation was carried on with substances irritating the bronchial tubes and lungs without killing the cholera microbes, as was proved later on.

he answered, and laughed in so irritating a fashion that I half turned upon him with the intention of chastising him.

The very best wheat the world produces ground between stones to an exceeding fineness so that the resulting meal is free from all irritating propertiesand containing the full food-value of the ripened grain.

It is a wonder that a self-educated man like Franklin was so broad and liberal in all his views,an impersonation of good nature and catholicity, ever open to new convictions, and respectful of opinions he did not share, provoking mirth and jollity, yet never disturbing the placidity of a social gathering by irritating sarcasm.

The French were equally irritating, and unreasonable in their expectations.

There were irritating questions to be settled with England about boundaries, and the occupation of military posts which she had agreed to evacuate.

There were unjust restrictions on American commerce of the most irritating nature, for American vessels were still excluded from West India ports, and only such products were admitted as could not be dispensed with.

The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating concerns and duties.

She has such playful, girlish manners, and an irritating way of giving vent to the most utter platitudes with the air of having just discovered a new truth.

An attitude and appearance still more inexplicable to Anabella, perhaps irritating as an unlucky omen, and therefore not possessing any claim for sympathyat least it got none.

The conviction, which must be common to all, of the injurious consequences that result from keeping open this irritating question, and the certainty that its final settlement can not be much longer deferred, will, I trust, lead to an early and satisfactory adjustment.

The jeers and jibes, the unsympathetic and irritating comments effectually killed any desire he cherished for the life of the stage.

She was still far from well but answered clearly all the irritating and maddening questions that were put to her.

There is nothing that is irritating Barney in the least.

I could hardly keep from gurgling with laughter and was obliged to make quite an irritating rattle with the teaspoons.

After all it is most irritating to be awakened by noisy burglars in the house.

There is what an Irish Member, in a moment of inspiration, called a "toploftiness" about his social demeanour which is not a little irritating.

A slave, an animal, a thing even, provided it should be in continuous contact with her personthat was what he longed to be; not to find himself obliged, at nightfall, to leave her after a parting absurdly prolonged by childish pretexts, and return to his irritating, common, vulgar life at home, to the solitude of his room, where he imagined he could see a pair of green eyes staring at him from every dark corner, tempting him.

What an irritating way of writing letters.

"But oh, Dicky, if I promise to try not to say anything irritating today, will you promise not to, either?"

After, afterward. Aggravating, irritating, provoking, exasperating.

NETTLERASH or URTICARIA, an irritating eruption in the skin causing a sensation like the stinging of nettles.

It is a delight to see young orchards and farmhouses, and cribs and sheds fortified against tornadoes by groves, laid out with irritating precision to confront the whirling storms from west and south.

Aggravating, irritating, distinguished, 119. Ain't, 71.

1642 examples of  irritating  in sentences