97 examples of it is important that in sentences

It is important that all who read the Breviary hurriedly, or who may be tempted to acquire the habit, should weigh well the words read therein (Friday's Vespers)

Involuntary distractions do not hinder merit; still it is important that an effort be made to diminish and repress the quality of such disturbing elements in prayer.

It is important that the modern reader bear these facts in mind; for in the nineteenth century text-books of rhetoric came to include description of a kind little considered by classical rhetoricians, and narrative of an aim and scope which they excluded.

To secure the greatest benefit from physical training in school, it is important that the pupils be interested in these exercises, and consider them a recreation, and not a task.

It is important that it should not fall too absolutely into the hands of the same local cliques.

It is important that I should.

When we reflect upon the difficulty and delicacy of this operation, it is important that it should never be attempted but with the utmost caution.

It is important that the troops called into the service should be, if possible, exempt from that state of excitement which the late violation of our territory has created, and you will therefore impress upon the governors of these border States the propriety of selecting troops from a portion of the State distant from the theater of action.

As, however, the session of Congress is about to terminate and the agency of the Executive may become necessary during the recess, it is important that the attention of the Legislature should be drawn to the consideration of such measures as may be calculated to obviate the necessity of a call for an extra session.

"I know you will tell me the truth, Merry," said Burnham, "and it is important that you should.

ARCANA of wisdom respecting conjugial love; it is important that they should be discovered, 43.

That the argument derived from the condition of the Israelites in Egypt, and God's condemnation of it, may be appreciated, it is important that the Egyptian bondage should be analyzed.

Besides, it is important that we should hold out before them hopes of bettering themselves by their good conduct, and earning an independent and honest livelihood at no distant date.

It is important that this fact be kept in mind.

It is important that all the clothing worn through the day should at night be laid aside, and a nightdress substituted, which should be a flannel wrapper coming nearly or quite to the feet.

Even in the latter city it is important that a home be had as remote from the neighborhood of the Falls as is convenient.

And it is important that it should be done, considering how this vicious sentiment is being fostered.

Admiral Dewey made a statement applicable to the territory adjacent to the city and bay of Manila in a cablegram to Washington dated October 14, 1898, which reads as follows: "It is important that the disposition of the Philippine Islands should be decided as soon as possible. . . .

Soups prepared from the grains, legumes, and vegetables, are so largely composed of food material that it is important that they be retained in the mouth long enough for proper insalivation; and in order to insure this, it is well to serve with the soup croutons, prepared by cutting stale bread into small squares or cubes, and browning thoroughly in a moderate oven.

It has long been well understood that food digests better when seasoned with agreeable conversation, and it is important that unpleasant topics should be avoided.

It is important that each one should determine whether this is not the case with himself, if his mind is revolving some new plan.

In order that tests may be intelligently compared, it is important that account be taken of the speed at which the stress was applied.

It is important that the upper surface of the tenon or lip be sawed exactly parallel to the base of the block.

It is important that some more convenient means should be provided, if possible, for the adjustment of claims against the Government, especially in view of their increased number by reason of the war.

In order that timely notice may be given and proper measures taken to effect the loan, or such portion of it as may be required, it is important that the authority of Congress to make it be given at an early period of your present session.

97 examples of  it is important that  in sentences