321 examples of itched in sentences

" Elspeth did not hear, being intent on other things, and I merely shrugged my shoulders, though my fingers itched for the gentleman's ears.

coulden't swear I diden't drop it, and any court would decide agin me; at the same time my hands itched to get holt of the well filled wallet.

Told me he had no feeling on his left side, except sometimes his hand itched, you know, like prickly needles.

He itched for a pencil and paper.

Like the tiger, however, who, once having tasted blood, is consumed with the lust of killing, Sahwah, having squashed one bug, itched to do the same with all the others in the tent, and when tidying-up time came there began a ruthless campaign of extermination.

She complained one morning that her hands and arms smarted and itched, and on examination they were found to be covered with blisters, like what would have been produced by the stinging of nettles.

The cap fascinated her, and her fingers itched as she gazed at it.

The cap fascinated her, and her fingers itched as she gazed at it.

My fingers itched to pull the lever and to scatter withering death among them.

The hand that held the copper-stick itched.

For now I seemed to see nothing but some bellowing pandemonic universe through crimson glasses, and the air was wildly hot, and my eye-balls like theirs that walk staring in the inner midst of burning fiery furnaces, and my skin itched with a fierce and prickly itch.

How you, who itched to see the bright sword lunged, Still bleating peace like innocent lambs in clover, In all that bloody business you were plunged Up to your neck and something over.

It is evident all have suffered from skin irritationone can imagine the horror of suffering from such an ill for weeks without being able to get at the part that itched.

Again and again his hands had itched for the club as he watched futile drives.

The music took on an irresistible lilt; the feet of the listeners itched to join in the measure and tapped out the time involuntarily.

I felt sick and my fingers itched to madness for the throat of Ibrahim Mahmud.

Tommy had behaved splendidly to him, and called him his dear preceptor, and yet the Dominie still itched to be at him with the tawse as of old.

My fingers itched for a pen.

"Who's the kid?" he drawled companionably, while his fingers itched upon the hammer, and the soul of him lusted for sight of the hole it could make in the skull of the Captain.

His finger itched on the trigger of his weapon; but no target was visible.

'Ay,' seconded Lizzie, cheerfully, whilst her hand itched to grab the money and, convey it to the bank, 'let's see them, laddie.'

till the lackeys' calves itched with indignation.

His fingers itched to get at Strang's thick bull-like throat.

Well, I was mindful of your counsel, and did not flog him, nor let my chaplain do so, though I know the good man's fingers itched to be at him; but I reasoned with him on the harm he was doing me, and would you believe it, the poor lad burst into tears, and implored me to give him something to do, to save him from his own spirit.

The German emperors' fingers had always itched for the over-lordship of the Danish isles, and they have not ceased to do so to this day.

321 examples of  itched  in sentences