6 examples of itr in sentences

G=ul ~in h~er | bl=oom wh~ere th~e | c=itr~on ~and

And after giving him 'Itr and betel, I took leave of him.

Betel boxes, gulab-pashes, 'itr-dans, pik-duns flower pots, narcissus-pots, were all arranged in order.

Giving me every confidence, he went to the bazar to buy some 'itr and bukhur, and whatever he deemed fit to be carried [as a present for Maliki Sadik].

'Itr is the essence of any flower, more especially of the rose (by us corruptly called "otto of roses"); and betel is a preparation of the aromatic leaf so generally used in the East, more especially in India.

The gulab-pash is a silver or gold utensil, like a French bottle, to sprinkle rose water on the company; the 'itr-dan one to hold essences, and pik-duns are of brass or silver to spit in, called by the French crachoirs.

6 examples of  itr  in sentences