7 examples of j's in sentences

"Item, for two doss (dozen?) di bocse (box) garlands for prestes and clerkes on St. Barnabe Day, j's.

"Did you come across the lion?" was Mr. J 's first question, as we dismounted at the gate of his telegraph-station at Kazeroon.

" "J 's anecdote was followed by many others, coffee was succeeded by cognac and seltzer, Gerôme gave us some startling Central Asian experiences, and we talked over men and things Persian far into the night, or rather morning, for it was nearly 2 a.m. when I retired to rest.

J's knees were black and blue in spots; they were alsowell, there is not much water for washing purposes in the trenches.

in April, we heard of dear J's murder; a fortnight after, A died; and to-morrow, August 10th, I am to attend the funeral of my excellent son-in-law.

And the foreigner we have always with us, to mix his Y's and J's, distort his H's, and play havoc with the Anglo-Saxon Th.

Among Mr. J's many workmen, one had given him constant annoyance for years, from his discontented and argumentative spirit.

7 examples of  j's  in sentences