7 examples of jacke in sentences

From a British Museum MS.] Thomas Nashe (1567-1601) was the one who introduced into England the picaresque novel in The Unfortunate Traveller, or the Life of Jacke Wilton (1594).

Jacke Wilton is page to a noble house.

Not that I remember: Ile sweare (& my eyes should come out as 2 witnesses) that I nere slept worse; for what with ycur Spanish flyes (the pocky, stinging musquitoes) & what with your skip Jacke fleas, the nap of my sleepe was worne off.

You be paltrie Jacke knave, by garr: de doctor is nicast, de doctor is rage, de doctor is furie, be gar, the doctor is horrible, terrible furie.

My servyce notwithstandinge, thys proude Jacke Abuses me in words I understand not; And therefore in playne tearmes if you keepe hym I am no longer for you.

(Jhon, y'are a Jack sauce, I meane a sawcye Jacke.)

[108] "Il a esté au festin de Martin baston, he hath had a triall in Stafford Court, or hath received Jacke Drums intertainment.

7 examples of  jacke  in sentences