6 examples of jagged line in sentences

From the inky sky descended a jagged line of light, and in the same second the crash of the thunder broke.

A low line of red still burned behind the massive bulk of Big Unaka, and the solemn purple mountains raised their peaks against it in a jagged line.

The back is curved, then jagged lines break from that, and the front is a queer bulging windowin a curve that leans.

For the first time the thick pale smoke of the fire was visible, rising straight up until it cleared the tops of the willows, and then caught into swift, jagging lines as the soft wind struck it.

Time swung back, and this might have been a scene of forgotten ages,the wolf, the human hunter, the smoldering camp fire, the dark, jagged line of spruce against the sky.

Again a jagged line of light gleamed before them.

6 examples of  jagged line  in sentences