1308 examples of jam in sentences

" "A heavy south-easter would jam us in, here, between the shoals, in a way I shouldn't greatly relish, sir.

Close the door gently after you, and if you see anybody downstairs who looks as if he were likely to be going over to the shop, ask him to get me a small pot of some rare old jam and tell the man to chalk it up to me.

The jam Comrade Outwood supplies to us at tea is all right as a practical joke or as a food for those anxious to commit suicide, but useless to anybody who values life.

By seeing that the jam, dried fruits, soups, and dried vegetables were well assorted, a sufficient variety was procured without destroying the balanced character of the ration.

To be sure, it may mean trouble and expense for one's transportation department, and some of the younger men may feel that their reputations as explorers are likely to be damaged if it is known that strawberry jam, sweet chocolate and pickles are frequently found on their menu!

Our grub, ordered months before, specially for this climb, consisted of pemmican in 8 1/4-pound tins, Kola chocolate in half-pound tins, seeded raisins in 1-pound tins, cube sugar in 4-pound tins, hard-tack in 6 1/2-pound tins, jam, sticks of dried pea soup, Plasmon biscuit, tea, and a few of Silver's self-heating "messtins" containing Irish stew, beef à la mode, et al.

He was too busy clearing his plate clean as fast as we loaded it with ham and eggs and plum jam; and when he had eaten enough for three and could hold no more he went to sleep, with his tousled head among the dishes.

His furiis, aspectu anguineis, horribilibus, Ecce ecce me invadunt, in me jam ruunt;" but Electra told him thus raving in his mad fit, he saw no such sights at all, it was but his crazed imagination.

" "He that by cherishing a mischief doth provoke, Too late at last refuseth to cast off his yoke," "Helleborum frustra cum jam cutis aegra tumebit, Poscentes videas; venienti occurrite morbo.

If some Jupiter should say, to give us all content, [3580] "Jam faciam quod vultis; eris tu, qui modo miles, Mercator; tu consultus modo, rusticus; hinc vos, Vos hinc mutatis discedite partibus; eia Quid slatis? nolint.

There were no cakes, no tarts, no jam, no pies, not even any bread and butter!

The drawn-thread cloth was laid diagonally on the table (because Alice had seen cloths so laid on model tea-tables in model rooms at Waring's), the strawberry jam occupied the northern point of the compass, and the marmalade was antarctic, while brittle cakes and spongy cakes represented the occident and the orient respectively.

There is a growing belief among jam manufacturers that Lord RHONDDA'S business ability has been overrated.

Referring to another function in honor of the Prince, Morse says, in a letter to Mr. Kendall: "I did not see you after the so-styled Ball in New York, which was not a ball but a levee and a great jam.

I had lots of new clothes and more money in my pocket than I had ever had before, and in the guard's van at the back of the train there was a large box that I had packed myself with jam and potted meat and cake.

Then the bell summoned us to evening chapel and teaa meal which we were allowed to improve with sardines and eggs and jam, if we had money to buy them or a hamper from home.

Besides, Peggy had a stall for home-made jam.

" Truly might our countryman have exclaimed in the language, if not with the generous emotions of the Trojan hero, when he beheld the noble deeds of his countrymen pencilled in a strange land "Quis jam locus Quae regio in terris nostri non plena laboris?

Straightening herself up, and trying in vain to smooth the jam, Madam Conway continued: "In liquor, I know.

" How many more have you, not absolutely lost, but to a certain extent abused, at breakfastsip, sipping away at unnecessary cups of sirupy tea, or gob, gobbling away at jam-buttered rolls, for which nature never calledor "to party giving up what was meant for mankind"forgetting the loss of Time in the Times, and, after a long, blank, brown, and blue study, leaving behind you a most miserable chronicle indeed!

When the lard-hunt ruffles Rose Wordsworth lulls her to repose, While a snippet from the "Swan" Stops the jam-yearn of Yvonne.

He took the small iron plate and used it to jam the door open.

Dr. Johnson, after noticing the compound form of active-intransitives, as, "I am going""She is dying,""The tempest is raging,""I have been walking," and so forth, adds: "There is another manner of using the active participle, which gives it a passive signification: as, The grammar is now printing, Grammatica jam nunc chartis imprimitur.

"He left Mekran Kot when I did, Sahib, for our father died, the old Jam Saheb was poisoned, and we had to flee or die.

Well, in full, it is John Robin Ross-Ellison Ilderim Dost Mahommed Mir Hafiz Ullah Khan, and its explanation is my descent from General Ross-Ellison, Laird of Glencairn, and from Mir Faquir Mahommed Afzul Khan, Jam of Mekran Kot".

1308 examples of  jam  in sentences