47 examples of jambe in sentences

Engine-room doors jambed, but I found the stokehold grating and got some way down the ladder.

For all that, he went in and saw the diver had opened the jambed door.

Sometimes palm kernels that had not altogether rotted jambed the fans, and he held the valve-wheel, trying to ease the shocks, while the perspiration dripped from his blistered skin.

The narrative in both is hasty and tumultuary, if we may use the latter expression: there is no time or room for reflection; and when a reflection comes, it is so mixed and jambed in with the story, or with quotations from the works or words of the respective heroes of the history, that it escapes unobserved.

She stopped there twenty minutes, jambed down on her bilge while the sea came on board.

The first Grimaldi celebrated on the stage, appeared at Paris about the year 1735, when his athletic force and extraordinary agility procured him the sobriquet of "Jambe de Fer," or iron-leg.

Along the trench the men were shooting at top speed over the parapet; a dozen paces away two of the battalion machine-guns were clattering and racketing in rapid gusts of fire; a little farther along a third one had jambed and was being jerked and hammered at by a couple of sweating men and a wildly cursing boy officer.

"Cette jambe ne porte pas;" "la nature ne se fait pas comme ça;" "on dessine par les masses; combien de têtes?"

For art was not for us then as it is now,a mere emotion, right or wrong only in proportion to its intensity; we believed then in the grammar of art, perspective, anatomy, and la jambe qui porte; and we found all this in Julien's studio.

I was in the studio at eight in the morning; I measured my drawing; I plumbed it throughout; I sketched in, having regard to la jambe qui porte; I modelled par les masses.

Tout à coup un gros lièvre sauta presque dans les jambes du Marseillais.

L'OPÉRATION INUTILE Un officier anglais ayant reçu une balle dans la jambe, fut transporté à l'hôpital deux médecins furent appelés et fouillèrent la plaie pendant deux heures.

Mais jugez de son étonnement quand l'invalide, présentant tous ses membres l'un après l'autre, ne cessait de lui dire: "Tire-moi cette jambe; tire-moi l'autre."

GENOU, X, m., partie du corps la jambe se joint à la cuisse.

JAMBE, f., membre inférieur.

PIED, m., extrémité de la jambe; mesure de longueur.

Toutes étoient à cheval, jambe de-ça, jambe de , comme des hommes, et plusieurs avoient de superbes selles.

Toutes étoient à cheval, jambe de-ça, jambe de , comme des hommes, et plusieurs avoient de superbes selles.

La brigandine descend presqu'à mi-cuisse; mais à son extrémité est attachée circulairement une étoffe de soie qui vient jusqu'à mi-jambe.

D'après ceci, on voit qu'il suffiroit à nos troupes d'avoir une armure légère, c'est-à-dire un léger harnois de jambes, [Footnote: Harnois de jambes, sorte d'armure défensive en fer qui emboîtoit la jambe, et qu'on nommoit jambards ou grèves.]

One day the lively old monarch said, "Regardez, quel joli petit pied, et la belle jambe!

"Cette jambe ne porte pas"; "la nature ne se fait pas comme ça"; "on dessine par les masses; combien de têtes?"

For art was not for us then as it is now,a mere emotion, right or wrong only in proportion to its intensity; we believed then in the grammar of art, perspective, anatomy, and la jambe qui porte; and we found all this in Julien's studio.

I was in the studio at eight in the morning, I measured my drawing, I plumbed it throughout, I sketched in, having regard to la jambe qui porte, I modelled par les masses.

Il y a le "wicket," une chose fait de trois morceaux de bois, a qui le "bowler" jette la balle, dur comme une pierre, et si ça vous attrappe sur le jambe, je vous promis, ça vous fera sauter.

47 examples of  jambe  in sentences