155 examples of jaunty in sentences

But meanwhile French officers and men passed the gates in little bands of fifteen or so at a time, and were seen roving about the town unarmed, jaunty, and gallant, bearing pieces of chalk in their hands to mark the houses on which their troops were to be billeted.

How I longed for the jaunty lightness that would have let me do a thing like that, tossing me fairly to the pinnacle of a public association with her!

he faltered; "my hat's on one side and my walk is distinctly jaunty!

I detest a jaunty widower!

With jaunty steps he walked round and put up the banns, and then, with the air of a man who has completed a successful stroke of business, walked homewards.

Then I had an absurd inspiration: he stood there so trim and jaunty and prosperous.

He was dressed in a woollen jacket coat, knee-trousers and leggins; on his head he wore a jaunty, cocky little Scotch cap; a man, I should judge, about fifty years old, well-fed and hearty in appearance, with grayish hair and a good-humoured eye.

The majority of these idlers were impudent-looking braggarts, who, with jaunty air and coxcombical show of superiority, endeavoured to enforce their own opinions, and to silence those of every one else.

CHANTECLER Known to whom? SCENE FIFTH THE SAME, three CHICKENS, noticeable among the rest for a certain jaunty pertness of gait and demeanour, who for a minute or so have been moving among the artificial COCKS.

No such flannel shirts, no such jaunty felt hats, no such neckties, had ever been worn by Adirondack guides as Dandy Steve habitually wore.

Old airs of a jaunty jig-like kind are still haunting the echoes of my brain.

The gate stood ajar between its chipped stone pillars, and just inside the blue coat of a French cavalry officer, jaunty and new and much braided with gold lace on the collar and cuffs, hung from the limb of a small tree.

The populace in the streets are entirely Spanishthe jaunty majo in his queer black cap, sash, and embroidered jacket, and the nut-brown, dark-eyed damsel, swimming along in her mantilla, and armed with the irresistible fan.

I must next take off my coat and hat, and put on his Sunday jacket and jaunty sombrero.

The noble lord at the head of the Government treated the inquiry for papers in a jaunty way, and said, 'Oh!

" The Marquis Tudesco, after tweaking the son's ear amicably and bowing to the father with a dignified familiarity, walked away with a step that was still jaunty.

But the ice-boat was as fearless and as gaily jaunty as Siegfried.

He will cheerfully calm the perturbed nap of his old beaver by patient brushing in place of buying a new one, if only the Lieutenant's jaunty cap is what it should be.

Jo Hertz, in one of those pinch-waist belted suits and a trench coat and a little green hat, walking up Michigan Avenue of a bright winter's afternoon, trying to take the curb with a jaunty youthfulness against which every one of his fat-encased muscles rebelled, was a sight for mirth or pity, depending on one's vision.

She plied the crowd with flowers as long as they lasted, and a jaunty self possession enabled her finally to gaze without flinching at the mass of depraved and wicked faces with which she was surrounded.

She asked no more, and presently the jaunty notes of a banjo floating up the grassy slope told them that Green's entertainment had begun.

He presented himself with a jaunty good humour, made a little speech to his battery which set all the men laughing, and then shook hands with them one by one.

Rash insect with your jaunty air The troubled stream serenely riding, How guessed you not that Death was there Nor feared the hungry trout in hiding? Did instinct, friend of helpless things, Not bid you rise and use your wings?

What can be more becoming than some of those jaunty caps which seem to mock at age?

There is something jaunty, a suggestion of spirit and independence in a tam-o’-shanter, particularly a red one.

155 examples of  jaunty  in sentences