29 examples of jed in sentences

There was a scuffle, another flash of something bright, two more clicks, and one of the four cried: "That'll be about all from you, Jed Lewis, alias Inky Jed.

There was a scuffle, another flash of something bright, two more clicks, and one of the four cried: "That'll be about all from you, Jed Lewis, alias Inky Jed.

sneered the man who had been called "Inky Jed.

"Bill was provoked over his failure, and, when he wasn't helping Inky Jed get out the bogus tickets, he followed the show and tried to prevail on Harry to play another trick on me.

I called on him, learned the plans of Bill and Jed, and we sent for the detectives.

They hadn't a clew, as yet, to Bill and Jed, who were the real backers of the game.

Jed Lewis, alias Inky Jed, was an expert counterfeiter.

Jed Lewis, alias Inky Jed, was an expert counterfeiter.

The material was secured through a trick, and Inky Jed knew an unscrupulous printer who did the work for him.

Thomson had mentioned incidentally the Tweed and the Jed: The Tweed, pure parent stream, Whose pastoral banks first heard my Doric reed, With sylvan Jed!

Thomson had mentioned incidentally the Tweed and the Jed: The Tweed, pure parent stream, Whose pastoral banks first heard my Doric reed, With sylvan Jed!

" "Wai, yis, the deacon is," said Biah, turning contemplatively to the farmhouse; "there ain't a crittur in that are house that there ain't the most work got out of 'em that ken be, down to Jed and Sam, the little uns.

You don't know much more, either, about Maine folks and Maine fashions than you do about China,though it's small wonder, for the matter of that, you were such a little shaver when Uncle Jed took you.

" "What's thet, Jed?" snapped old Hutchings anxiously.

We saw Jedburgh and its majestic old Abbey, and ascended the valley of the Jed towards the Cheviots.

The fields were full of rich, heavy grain, and the trees had a luxuriance of foliage that reminded me of the vale of the Jed, in Scotland.

The front page, by Charles MacArthur and Ben Hecht. Introd. by Jed Harris.

NEIHARDT, JOHN G. The song of Jed Smith.

Jed Blaine's woman.

NEIHARDT, JOHN G. The song of Jed Smith.

Jed Blaine's woman.

Jed Lynch, you know, was smitten on the youngest girl.

Jed says the red-headed girl, the middle one, married some fellow, and they live with the old folks.

Jed says that when the girls were describing their trip through Europe, one of them happened to mention Rome, when the old lady interrupted: 'Rome?

' "The girls suddenly remembered some duty about the house that required their immediate attention, and Jed says that he looked out of the window.

29 examples of  jed  in sentences