100 examples of jerky in sentences

Life without love is like eatin' bull-beef jerky without salsa!"

Hereupon, with a very jerky movement indeed, the Sergeant reached out his remaining arm, and the soldier and the sailor shook hands very solemnly over the muffins (already vastly diminished in number) with a grip that spoke much.

Mrs. Coombe became each moment more fidgety, she became, in fact, jerky!

"Not that I haven't tried," she continued in her jerky way as they went up the stairs together; "but you seem to be always with your mother.

Crying, caused by emotional states, consists of sudden jerky expirations with long inspirations, with facial movements indicative of distress.

I could almost see the lines on his forehead and the nervous, jerky way in which he would be biting his fingersa trick of his that had always annoyed me intensely.

I hazily remember the man saying to me in short, jerky sentences, spoken at intervals while I was still weakly struggling: "'"What a fool you must think me, my dear sir!

He turned slowly, with little jerky movements, as though he had to fight to make himself look.

And I have good reason to fear they will not, for I observed yesterday when I called upon Farmer Giles to invite him to our feast, he seemed very jerky and ill at ease, which perplexed me greatly, until, on quitting, I perceived through a door that stood ajar old Simon seated in a side room.

Perhaps about three or four o'clock she falls into a series of jerky naps, and dreams that she is editor of a popular Hebrew magazine, wandering frantically through a warehouse full of aspirant MSS.

There was still a feeble, jerky fluttering in his big chest when Colonel Hugonin found him.

Gerald went into the telephone box close by and shut the door with a jerky movement.

" Katherine laughed until the tears came into her eyes, then gasped out in jerky tones: "It would be very bad for my morals to live with floors unswept, and I think that is how most people feel.

Does the poem seem to you somewhat rough and jerky?

Little jerky bits of scorn were now and then directed toward the flowers, as if they were responsible for their intrusion.

The face of one house was marked by a huge splash, with solid center and a ragged-edged outline of radiating jerky rays, reminding one immediately of a famous ink-maker's advertisement.

Slevin was panic-stricken; he flung out a nervous, jerky hand.

Dick" she caught her breath involuntarily"Dick, why do you look at me like that?" He made a curious jerky movementas if he strove against invisible bonds.

In many lodges, the people held social dances, the women, dressed in their best gowns, ranged on one side, the men on the other; all sung, and three or four drummers furnished an accompaniment; the music was lively if somewhat jerky.

It is not a jerky, but rather a gliding movement, as though we were skimming through the water without effort, on an even keel.

They did not fly straight, but in a jerky way, constantly dropping down and then lifting up again, and calling out "wait for me" on every down-grade curve, until by common consent they alighted among some wild grasses, where the early yellow thistles were already going to seed.

His brush bumped noisily against the steps, and the sound of its scouring was nearly drowned by the jerky tune which the old fellow sung through his nose as he worked.

He sat down on the bed in Charlton's cell with his brisk professional air, and came at once to business in his jerky-polite tone.

Ransom was twenty-seven or twenty-eight, of heavy build, dark, and with a quick, sharp eye, and jerky positive way.

He raised his glass with a jerky motion and downed the contents; the chaser stood disregarded before him and O'Brien regarded his patron with an eye of admiration.

100 examples of  jerky  in sentences