1030 examples of jesuit in sentences

In what darkness must they grope when a sly, intriguing Jesuit (it was well known they were all like that) was for them a type of the "heap good man"a priest, forsooth, who winked at Sabbath-breaking because he and his neighbouring nuns shared in the spoil!

" The Colonel looked back before entering the cabin and saw that the Boy seemed to have forgotten not alone the Indian, but the dogs, and was walking behind with the Jesuit, face upturned, smiling, as friendly as you please.

"A Jesuit priest is what I said.

But even if it were otherwise, we, you know"the Jesuit rose from the table with that calm smile of his"we simply do the work without question.

" O'Flynn was not very keen about it; but the Jesuit's visit had stirred him up, and he offered less opposition to the unusual call to activity than the Colonel expected.

He devised scenes in which, airily and triumphantly, he introduced Father Wills, and brought Mac to the point of pining for Jesuit society; but these scenes were actable only under conditions of darkness and of solitude.

I won't rile Mac for the sake of any Jesuit alive.

Perhaps the letters went counter to some of the good Jesuit's theology.

A celebrated Jesuit who did not scruple to find entertainment in her social circle, undertook to combat her philosophy and show her the truth from his point of view, but she came so near converting him to her tenets that he abandoned the contest remarking with a laugh: "Well, well, Mademoiselle, while waiting to be convinced that you are in error, offer up to God your unbelief."

But no comet seems to have appeared in 1725 whereon to lay the blame; and therefore Father Gumilla, the Jesuit, may have been excused for saying that the failure of the trees was owing to the planters not paying their tithes; and for fortifying his statement by the fact that one planter alone, named Rabelo, who paid his tithes duly, saved his trees and his crop.

The Roman Catholic Bishops of Hungary protested against the perjurious treachery of the dynasty; many of them suffer even now for their devotion to justice, liberty, and right; and who is the Jesuit who dares to affirm that he is more devoted to the Catholic religion than the Bishops of Hungary?

The duty to the female dog is plain; but where competing duties rise, down they will sit and study them out like Jesuit confessors.

Though Dandinus the Jesuit, com.

Delrio the Jesuit, Tom.

Thyreus the Jesuit, lib. de daemoniacis, de locis infestis, de Terrificationibus nocturnis, Hieronymus Mengus Flagel.

[1310]Dandinus the Jesuit, lib. 2. de Animae explode; Cicogna confutes at large.

Riccius the Jesuit relates, who lived many years amongst them.

They scoff at our Europeans for eating bread, which they call tops of weeds, and horse meat, not fit for men; and yet Scaliger accounts them a sound and witty nation, living a hundred years; even in the civilest country of them they do thus, as Benedict the Jesuit observed in his travels, from the great Mogul's Court by land to Pekin, which Riccius contends to be the same with Cambulu in Cataia.

Wright the Jesuit, in his Book of the Passions of the Mind, &c.

A thing familiar in China (saith Riccius the Jesuit), "If it be told them they shall be sick on such a day, when that day comes they will surely be sick, and will be so terribly afflicted, that sometimes they die upon it.

Near that wild rapid of the Columbia River known as the "Dalles," there was, years ago, a Jesuit mission, established in a small fort, built, like that at Nez-Percés, of mud.

The bronze statue of De Smet, the Jesuit missionary, looked calmly on the scene.

He should have told the world a little, too, about the strange phenomenon of the Jesuit Kircher, in whom Popery attempted to recover the very ground which Behmen and the Protestant Nature-mystics were conquering from them.

21-22); but the suggestion may as well have come from a Jesuit story.

This episode shows traces of Jesuit influence.

1030 examples of  jesuit  in sentences