393 examples of jewelry in sentences

I have been much interested in this woman as a genius, though I am pained by the accounts of her career in point of morals, and I am wearied with the glitter of her jewelry.

Night puts on a jewelled robe which few admire, compared with the admiration for marketable jewelry.

His verses hang together like gems of the purest water exquisitely cut and clasped by "jacinth work of subtlest jewelry."

And when this man of religion, wearing the simple woollen garment of a Sufi, was brought into the presence of the great conqueror, he was nothing abashed at the blaze of silks and jewelry which decorated the pavilion where Tamerlane sat in state.

Jack remembered that piece of jewelry as far back as his memory stretched.

"I shall keep mine," replied the little man, who never wore any ornament of jewelry.

However, I've learned so much about pearls that I'm almost tempted to go into the jewelry business.

" Beulah's exclamations proved how much she was gratified with her presents; principally trinkets and jewelry, suited to her years and station.

" "That is no doubt true, yet he stole the jewelry from the child's person and kept him only for the sake of obtaining ransom.

Being rather impartial judgesfor Diana was not a popular favorite with her setthey decided it was absurd to suppose a niece of wealthy old John Merrick would descend to stealing any one's jewelry.

All the clucks that hadn't chipped in would feel so bad because they weren't included in my outburst of gratitude that nine times out of ten they would sneak out and try to break into a jewelry store.

And that's the only thing that got her the jobher jewelry.

All the jewelry she ever had was a diamond stickpin she bit out of a gentleman's scarf when they were going home in a cab, and all she had left of that was the pawn ticket.

I see, Laura, that you are still a member of the Arm and Hammer band, and I wish to mention in passing that the only ten or twelve thousand dollars' worth of jewelry you ever had you returned to the property man every night after the ballroom scene.'

Not dress, not jewelry, not pleasing manners, not even innocence, is the charm and glory of society; but the wisdom learned by experience, the knowledge acquired by study, the quickness based on native genius.

To the English they appear as peculiarly practical,bent on making money, sensual in their pleasures, and only distinguished from the people around them by an extravagant love of jewelry and a proud and cynical rationalism.

There are the household implements, the furniture of their homes, the jewelry their queens wore,queens who were also sisters of the kings, as Sarah was the sister of Abraham.

"You don't want plated jewelry or imitation gems.

"The gold is good and melted down would serve for other jewelry.

" Each one selected some piece of jewelry, one a ring, another a watch, another a locket.

Simoun bought or exchanged old jewelry, brought there by economical mothers, to whom it was no longer of use.

I tried to tell him that there was no danger of our monoplane being injured now that those two men who robbed the jewelry store were locked up at police headquarters, waiting for some formality to start them on the road to a ten-year sentence; but he only shook his head and said Shea had nothing else to do and might as well be earning his salt.

Two rogues had robbed the extensive jewelry establishment of Mr. Leffingwell and carried off the loot in a couple of suit cases taken from the store.

I'm surfeited now with pictures and jewelry, and bon-bon boxes, and little china dogs and catsand all these things that get so thick you can't move without upsetting some of them.

Her sleeves were green, looped up full on the shoulders with jewelry, and showing the white shift beneath, richly trimmed with lace.

393 examples of  jewelry  in sentences