16 examples of jib-boom in sentences

The compass stood north-east and a half, the thermometer was chafing fearfully, and the jib-boom, only two-thirds reefed was lashing furiously against the poop-deck.

It is high, and great attention is paid to the lights; but of what account is either coast or lights, if the weather is so thick, you cannot see the end of your flying-jib-boom!"

At the same moment down came the foremast, taking with it the jib-boom and bowsprit, all disappearing into the sea.

There are but three seamen among them, and they are more fit for a hospital than for a lowyer-yard or a jib-boom.

He knew the intricate parts of a full-rigged ship from the mainsail to the deck, from the jib-boom to the chart-house.

Misser Fid," cried the black, "here masser Harry, wid a head out of port-hole, up dereaway in a light-house, singing-out like a marine in a boat wid a plug out!" "Ay, ay, let him alone for hailing a top-gallant yard, or a flying-jib-boom!

" "Then, it is likely they hoisted it, as usual, at the end of the jib-boom?"

tho'f I will say" "You were going to add" "That sometimes I find myself shifted over, in these here affairs," returned the topman, glancing his eye first at the flag of France, and then at the distant emblem of England, "like a jib-boom rigged, abaft, for a jury to the spanker.

Another shell, and the jib-boom hangs dragging under the bows; the fore topgallantmast is carried away.

They climbed on deck and going forward to the jib-boom, leaned over the starboard bulwark and gazed at an object that floated on the water a few strokes ahead of the vessel.

The top-sail-yards, gaff, and jib-boom, however, were left in their places.

All these sails, the sky-sails excepted, have four sides, as have also the sprit-sails on the bowsprit, jib-boom, &c.; and all, except the sail last mentioned on the mizen, usually lie across the ship, or in planes forming considerable angles with the axis or central line of the ship.

Indeed there appeared to be an opposing tide until we drew in between the high rocky sides of the channel, when suddenly the ship was hurried onwards with such rapidity that to prevent our being swept past a cove on the right it was necessary to close with its outer point, towards which a merciless eddy flung the ship's head so rapidly, that before the thrown-aback sails checked her way, her jib-boom was almost over the rocks.*

Next day we fell in with the Bramble in the neighbourhood of Cape Deliverance of the English chart (by Laurie) her rendezvous in case of separation; we had parted company during the late gale, in which she lost her jib-boom and stern-boat.

"The night air has taut'ned the cordage of that flying-jib-boom, fellows, until it begins to lift its nose like a squeamish cockney, when he holds it over salt-water!

here we have the object, just within the starboard jib-boom-guy.

16 examples of  jib-boom  in sentences