1073 examples of jimmied in sentences

AGAIN Quit your whistlin' Jimmy, and hold your whistall of youdon't you know your poor sister is dead for sleep.

"Did yer 'ear that, Jimmy?

Between you and I, aspirants for the honor of bordin with St. JIMMY are on the decline, Pitty it haint a gin-cocktail.

SEE Foote, Lewis A. STARR, JAMES A. SEE Starr, Jimmy.

STARR, JIMMY. 365 nights in Hollywood.

Substitute Jimmy.


Jimmy Garthwaite (A); 20Nov64; R349410. GASSET, JOSE ORTEGA Y. SEE ORTEGA Y GASSET, JOSE.


Jimmy Dorsey saxophone method.

Illustrated by Jimmy Thompson.

SEE Holman, Richard M. ROBBINS MUSIC CORP. Jimmy Dorsey saxophone method.

SEE Dorsey, Jimmy.

Presently he put down his pack, went to a window and, quick and silent as an expert burglar, jimmied the sash.

"Yo' cudn' bae crool t' lil Jimmy.

I wish you 'adn', Essy." "Why 'alf t' lads in t' village is called Jimmy.

Yo're called Jimmy yourself, coom t' thot.

" "What 'ave yo' doon, Jimmy?

But yo' can goa right awaay, Jimmy, an' I sudn' keer ef

Yo' dawn' want to spite mae, do yo'?" "I didn' saay it t' spite yo', Jimmy.

Yo'd navver tooch anoother drap o' thot felthy stoof, Jimmy, ef yo could sea yoreself what a sight yo bae.

My dear Annie, If you cast off Jimmy Star, Do not forget How much he likes You.

"Tak' off your damp chup, Jimmy," suggested Tosh to Buncle, who was officiating as stoker.

So mind and see no' to get a cauld dinner for us all, Jimmy!" "Cauld or het," retorted the gentleman addressed, "it's little dinner I'll be gettin' this day!

Finally we jimmied open the back door of this garage, just to find out whether those guys had a car out here, or not.

1073 examples of  jimmied  in sentences