85 examples of jingo in sentences

It's Dob, by jingo!"

" Jingo, that made me mad.

Already, it seemed, the jingo papers were taunting the administration with undue truckling to the wishes of Germany, with a lack of stamina and backbone in shortwith something like treachery toward Prince Ferdinand and treason toward the royal family, with which the Prince was distantly allied.

By Jingo, if I were the sort of bird to take things solemnly, I would go straight to the Cock and tell him.

" Palmerston was defeated by sixteen votes, and went to the country on a "Civis Romanus" policy, or, as we should say now, with a "Jingo" cry, which was immensely popular.

" "There is too much jingo in our country to ever do what you suggest," Ned suggested.

Got her, by the living jingo!

It is notable that all those eminent among the real Britons, who spelt it right, respected and would parley with the American Revolution, however jingo or legitimist they were; the romantic conservative Burke, the earth-devouring Imperialist Chatham, even, in reality, the jog-trot Tory North.

The common people of the city, ignorant of everything connected with war, and inflamed by the jingo official press, conceived that nothing was needed but to set the Greek army in motion to insure a triumphant march on Constantinople, and were shouting for the troops to cross the frontier.

There were no defensive works, for the jingo Greeks ridiculed the idea of needing a defensive preparation against an invasion of the Turkish army, which they were confident of annihilating ten to one.

'Jingo' had some of the vague suggestiveness of an effectively bad name, but 'Separatist,' 'Little Englander,' 'Food Taxer,' remain as assertions to be consciously accepted or rejected.

" Twenty years ago we were in the crisis of the great Jingo fever, and Lord Beaconsfield's antics in the East were frightening all sober citizens out of their senses.

"We don't want to fight; but, by Jingo, if we do, We've got the ships, we've got the men, we've got the money too;" and the word "Jingo" took its place in the language as the recognized symbol of a warlike policy.

The tide of popular feeling turned in favour of Liberalism, and "Jingo" became a term of reproach.

"A health to Jingo first, and then A health to shell, a health to shot!

Here's to Jingo, king and crowned!

Here's to Jingo, king and crowned!

To the great name of Jingo drink, my boys, And every filibuster, round and round!

Here's to Jingo, king and crowned!

Even in Servia Mr. Pashitch had great difficulty in repressing the jingo ardor of the army, whose bellicose spirit was believed to find expression in the attitude of the Crown Prince.

None of the old Jingo spirit which had inflamed great crowds before the Boer War was visible now or found expression.

Jingo, by Max Brand, pseud.

You do not like it, it appears Well, well,you do surprise me! 'Tis not, I know, the Jingo drum, Nor the "Imperial" trumpet.

"By Jingo!" said Red in admiration.

"A grizzly, by the living Jingo!

85 examples of  jingo  in sentences