16 examples of jiu in sentences

It is part of the jiu-jitsu taught the Samuraiquite a different proposition from the ordinary "policeman jiu-jitsu."

It is part of the jiu-jitsu taught the Samuraiquite a different proposition from the ordinary "policeman jiu-jitsu."

The Bad Boy Causes Trouble Between the Russian Cossacks and the Jap JugglersA Jap Tight-Rope Walker Jiu Jitsu's PaThe Animals Go on a StrikePa Runs the Menagerie for a Day and Wins Their Gratitude.

The Bad Boy Causes Trouble Between the Russian Cossacks and the Jap JugglersA Jap Tight-Rope Walker Jiu-Jitsu's PaThe Animals Go on a StrikePa Runs the Menagerie for a Day and Wins Their Gratitude.

The big Russian said: "Look at the little monkeys," but he hadn't got the words out of his mouth before the Japs turned, and every man grabbed the tail of every other horse, and jumped up behind the Russians, and each of the ten Japs took a Russian by the neck with a jiu jitsu strangle hold, and reached out his leg and wound it around the Russian on the next horse, and in ten seconds they had unhorsed the 20 Russians.

I like that order of Field-Marshal Oyama: "Give every honorable neutral that you find in our lines the honorable jiu-jitsu hikerino.


Combat jiu-jitsu for offense and defense.

LOWELL, ANITA. Jiu-jitsu.

KING, I. C. How to use jiu jitsu; army-tested methods of self-defense for men and women.

SEE KOUES, HELEN. <pb id='173.png' /> How to use jiu jitsu.

Combat jiu-jitsu for offense and defense.

LOWELL, ANITA. Jiu-jitsu.

KING, I. C. How to use jiu jitsu; army-tested methods of self-defense for men and women.

SEE KOUES, HELEN. <pb id='173.png' /> How to use jiu jitsu.

"In the next few moments I reaped the reward of my strenuous practice at the gymnasium of the art of Jiu-jitsu and the French style of boxing.

16 examples of  jiu  in sentences