5398 examples of jobbing in sentences

per | | Yard; last year's jobbing price, $1.25.

| | | | Double Width, all Wool Plaids, 64 inches | | wide, at $1.60 per Yard; last year's | | jobbing price, $2.25.

The whole business of legislation in the American Congress, as well as in the State Legislatures, is conducted in the manner in which railway business was conducted in the House of Commons at a time when it is to be feared that, notwithstanding the high standard of honour in the British Parliament, there was a good deal of jobbing.

It is easy to perceive that, under such a system, jobbing must become not the exception but the rule.

[U.S.]. trade, commerce, mercature^, buying and selling, bargain and sale; traffic, business, nundination^, custom, shopping; commercial enterprise, speculation, jobbing, stockjobbing^, agiotage^, brokery^. deal, dealing, transaction, negotiation, bargain.

; abjection, debasement, turpitude, moral turpitude, laxity, trimming, shuffling. perfidy; perfidiousness &c adj.; treachery, double dealing; unfairness &c adj.; knavery, roguery, rascality, foul play; jobbing, jobbery; graft, bribery; venality, nepotism; corruption, job, shuffle, fishy transaction; barratry, sharp practice, heads I win tails you lose; mouth honor &c (flattery) 933.

Peel is of opinion that the fires are in many cases perpetrated for stock-jobbing purposes.

Now the Brideaus, jobbing tailors at Montrouge in their lifetime, had been dead, both husband and wife, for the last two years.

To those who, without experience, are commencing a jobbing-business, a capital of thirty, forty, or fifty thousand dollars seems an inexhaustible fund.

Success in the jobbing-business makes such demand on talent and capacity as outsiders seldom dream of.

Half-a-dozen Secretaries of State, with a Governor and a President thrown in, would not suffice to constitute a first-class jobbing-firm.

But no jobbing-firm can thus cloak its deficiencies, or shirk its responsibilities.

" It is much to be regretted that it cannot be said, that no man can succeed in the jobbing-business who is not a model of courtesy.

As a general proposition, it is not to be denied, that those who are in haste to get rich will find in the dry-goods jobbing-business many temptations and snares into which one may easily fall.

Success in retailing does not necessarily qualify a man to succeed in the dry-goods jobbing-business.

It should be well remembered, that, while it is not indispensable to success in the jobbing-business that each partner should be an expert in every department of the business, in buying, selling, collecting, paying, and book-keeping, it is absolutely necessary that each should be such in his own department,and that the firm, as a unit, should include a completely competent man for each and every one of these departments.

He apprehended it would be productive of much stock-jobbing, and that they would play into one another's hands in such a manner as that this property would be lost to the country.

I believe that for old lawyers and old politicians and "private ownership" to handle the great problem of reconstruction after the war in the spirit in which our affairs were conducted before the war is about as hopeful an enterprise as if an elderly jobbing brick-layer, working on strict trade-union rules, set out to stop the biggest avalanche that ever came down a mountain-side.

Fancy a new premier in England making a clean sweep of nine-tenths of the clerks, &c., at the Treasury, Foreign-office, Post-office, Custom-house, Dockyards, &c., &c. Conceive the jobbing such a system must lead to, not to mention the comparative inefficiency it must produce in the said departments, and the ridiculous labour it throws upon the dispensers of these gifts of place.

The strict enforcement of the law would almost wholly deprive the public of the services of jobbing slaves, which were indispensable under existing circumstances.

Washington wrote that it was a hopeless undertaking to keep peace on the frontier "whilst land-jobbing and the disorderly conduct of our borderers are suffered with impunity; and while the States individually are omitting no occasion to intermeddle in matters which belong to the general Government."

NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Analysis, the key to profits in wholesaling and jobbing.

In Akenside's poem, Curio represents William Pulteney, Walpole's antagonist, the hope of that younger generation who hated Walpole's system of parliamentary corruption and official jobbing.


Present, Simple Citizen, with budding horticultural ambitions, and Jobbing Gardener, "highly recommended" for skill and low charges.

5398 examples of  jobbing  in sentences