7 examples of jod in sentences

And surely as the letter Jod Once cried aloud, and spake to God, So surely shalt thou feel this rod, And punished shalt thou be!

Martyr's Decades, Benzo, Lerius, Linschoten's relations, those Hodoeporicons of Jod.

Jod. a Meggen. cap.

Bredenbactoius Jod. a Meggen. 6361.

They said it was at the source of Nature, four elements, four seasons, &c., to which later speculators added the four rivers of Paradise, four evangelists, and association of the number four with God, whose name was a mystical Tetra grammaton, Jod, He, Vau, He.]

J, when it was first distinguished from I, was called by the Hebrew name Jod, and afterwards Je.

They said it was at the source of Nature, four elements, four seasons, &c., to which later speculators added the four rivers of Paradise, four evangelists, and association of the number four with God, whose name was a mystical Tetra grammaton, Jod, He, Vau, He.]

7 examples of  jod  in sentences