14730 examples of joies in sentences

Vive les joies et les plaisirs!"

Fromm howrr to howrr I oftt beweepe ourr love, Wyth all the happie sorowe of the dove, And fancie, as itts sylentt waterrs flowe, Mie bosome's swetestt joies mustt thos bee mientt wyth woe.

All of us felt this, but with many it meant merely remarking that "the Chink is getting off his head," and a wish that he would not obtrude his grief when we were filled with the joy of sunny skies and a merry company.

The captain, though grim from a gripping religion that had squeezed all joy from his scripture-haunted soul, added an anecdote to the entertainment.

" Joy ran through me at his words.

" In spite of our imminent parting, joy rushed through me at his words.

Her joy was great to see me there, her only regret being she had not known I was coming that she might have had the fires lit.

The people greeted with joy the accession of the first Phanariote to the throne of the principality of Moldavia' (1711).

He was an artistic gentleman named Crawley, the happy manager of a puppet show which used to bring joy into the hearts of the merry people thronging the famous Bartholomew Fair.

Then we have a song setting forth how: "Sabina with an angel's face By Love ordain'd for joy, Seems of the Siren's cruel race, To charm

It is among the blessed privileges which help to make life cheerful and sunny, for, when all is said, what would be the joy of existence if we might not criticise those whom Providence has placed above us.

revêtu à tour de rôle par chacun de ces espiègles soldats, et ils participaient ainsi aux joies de la fête.

aux joies de la fête?La reine a-t-elle ri de la mascarade?A-t-on continué de veiller au renouvellement des provisions du buffet?

T.22: Les travaux et les joies.

<pb id='135.png' /> GUILFORD, JOY PAUL.

Joy Paul Guilford (A); 4Mar68; R430635.

Joy Paul Guilford (A); 4Mar68; R430634.

JOY, CHARLES R., comp.

Charles R. Joy (A); 23Feb68; R429881.

T.22: Les travaux et les joies.

Mourad est grand.' II Législateur horrible et pire conquérant, N'ayant autour de lui que des troupeaux infâmes, De la foule, de l'homme en poussière, des âmes D'où des langues sortaient pour lui lécher les pieds, Loué pour ses forfaits toujours inexpiés, Flatté par ses vaincus et baisé par ses proies, Il vivait dans l'encens, dans l'orgueil, dans les joies Avec l'immense ennui du méchant adoré.

So sad they seemed that it was as if nothing in heaven or earth, neither joy nor sorrow, life nor death, could have power to change their expression of immeasurable sadness.

"But, at the same time, to my great joy, arrived the Little Playmate back to me.

And, indeed, I deserve so much, for I have not known much joy in my life, save in the old days when I was your Little Playmate.

Her act is regarded in the cold light of a calculated payment, undisguised by any joy of passionate surrender.

14730 examples of  joies  in sentences