162 examples of jollities in sentences

Ah then all jollity seemed noise and folly To the pure soul by fancy's fire refined!

Then the talk flowed on, the feast made a tiny clatter of jollity in the slumbering noon, in the silence of an ocean and a continent.

He seems therefore to think, that our ministers insidiously took advantage of our intoxication, and betrayed us in a fit of thoughtless jollity to a promise, which when made, we hardly understood, and which we may, therefore, now retract.

Johnson and his friend, Beauclerk, were once together in company with several clergymen, who thought that they should appear to advantage, by assuming the lax jollity of men of the world; which, as it may be observed in similar cases, they carried to noisy excess.

Well, he shall die, and in his jollity:

Then, may it please you, the effect is this: There is a certain roister, named Prodigality, That long about this town hath ruffled in great jollity!

For the first time I took part in the jollities of the carnival, and at the end of the first day again came across Bernardo, who insisted upon taking me to the opera to hear a new prima donna who had turned everybody's heart at Naples.

They climbed up to the roof to get a good look at me; they swarmed up the pillars; they clung to the statues; they hung from the windows at the risk of their lives; all shouting at me in wild jollity.

Though a man be old and blind, Sick in body and in mind, If he hearken he shall be Filled with joy and jollity, So delectable and sweet Is the tale I now repeat.

As it contrasted sharply with the unceremonious jollity of his brother, King Charles, he came by degrees to be regarded by those ignorant of his true character with a distrust bordering on dislike.

Ah, though her mirth and jollities She puts aside, The silent laughter of her eyes She cannot hide.

And he thought how comfortable it would be to sneak home again to his books and thus elude not only the Deverills, but the Christmas jollities of his sisters' families, who would think him miles away.

The Time of Youth and vigorous Manhood passed the Way in which I have disposed of it, is attended with these Consequences; but to those who live and pass away Life as they ought, all Parts of it are equally pleasant; only the Memory of good and worthy Actions is a Feast which must give a quicker Relish to the Soul than ever it could possibly taste in the highest Enjoyments or Jollities of Youth.

SEE Apuleius Madaurensis. Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

<pb id='363.png' /> SURTEES, R. S. Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

SEE Apuleius Madaurensis. Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

<pb id='363.png' /> SURTEES, R. S. Jaunts and jollities of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks of St. Botolph Lane and Great Coram Street.

For these and other Reasons I shall set out for London to Morrow, having found by Experience that the Country is not a Place for a Person of my Temper, who does not love Jollity, and what they call Good-Neighbourhood.

Pleasure of this Kind is the intemperate Meals and loud Jollities of the common Rate of Country Gentlemen, whose Practice and Way of Enjoyment is to put an End as fast as they can to that little Particle of Reason they have when they are sober: These Men of Wit and Pleasure dispatch their Senses as fast as possible by drinking till they cannot taste, smoaking till they cannot see, and roaring till they cannot hear.

My Heart was filled with a deep Melancholy to see several dropping unexpectedly in the midst of Mirth and Jollity, and catching at every thing that stood by them to save themselves.

The Time of Youth and vigorous Manhood passed the Way in which I have disposed of it, is attended with these Consequences; but to those who live and pass away Life as they ought, all Parts of it are equally pleasant; only the Memory of good and worthy Actions is a Feast which must give a quicker Relish to the Soul than ever it could possibly taste in the highest Enjoyments or Jollities of Youth.

162 examples of  jollities  in sentences