148 examples of jollity in sentences

Ah then all jollity seemed noise and folly To the pure soul by fancy's fire refined!

Then the talk flowed on, the feast made a tiny clatter of jollity in the slumbering noon, in the silence of an ocean and a continent.

He seems therefore to think, that our ministers insidiously took advantage of our intoxication, and betrayed us in a fit of thoughtless jollity to a promise, which when made, we hardly understood, and which we may, therefore, now retract.

Johnson and his friend, Beauclerk, were once together in company with several clergymen, who thought that they should appear to advantage, by assuming the lax jollity of men of the world; which, as it may be observed in similar cases, they carried to noisy excess.

Well, he shall die, and in his jollity:

As light as a fly, In pleasant jollity: With mirth and melody, Sing Money, Money, Money! Money the minion, the spring of all joy; Money, the medicine that heals each annoy; Money, the jewel that man keeps in store; Money, the idol that women adore!

Then, if you please, with some sweet roisting harmony Let us begin the utas of our jollity.

Then, may it please you, the effect is this: There is a certain roister, named Prodigality, That long about this town hath ruffled in great jollity!

They climbed up to the roof to get a good look at me; they swarmed up the pillars; they clung to the statues; they hung from the windows at the risk of their lives; all shouting at me in wild jollity.

Though a man be old and blind, Sick in body and in mind, If he hearken he shall be Filled with joy and jollity, So delectable and sweet Is the tale I now repeat.

As it contrasted sharply with the unceremonious jollity of his brother, King Charles, he came by degrees to be regarded by those ignorant of his true character with a distrust bordering on dislike.

" "If it doesn't pass," I just had time to whisper with a feeble attempt at jollity, "I'll come at night and snore outside your door.

"Fifty year ago 'twere all mirth and jollity," he replied to our enquiry as to the old times.

"Land and sea Give themselves up to jollity; And with the heart of May Doth every beast keep holiday.

"The queen," wrote a courtier, a few months before her death, "was never so gallant these many years, nor so set upon jollity.

Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee Jest, and youthful jollity, Quips, and cranks, and wanton wiles, Nods, and becks, and wreathed smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple sleek; Sport that wrinkled care derides, And laughter holding both his sides.

I was engaged in admiring the poor little things, more disposed to be sentimental, perhaps, than if I had been ten years older, and thinking of the contrast between the warmth and jollity of their green summer haunts and the cold and darkness of their last retreat, when I heard our employer bidding the workmen lay by their tools.

Bright eyes beaming from rosy cheeks, and half buried in furs, anxiously watch for the excitement of a capsize, and laugh merrily as the mixed tenants of some sleigh are seen rolling over one another in most ludicrous confusion; the sun shines brightly, the bells ring cheerily, all is jollity and fun, and a misanthrope would be as much out of his element in one of these pic-nics as a bear in a ballet.

A pudgy antiquarian is a thing unheard of since monastic days, when annal making was not deemed out of place if mingled with the rotund jollity of a Friar Tuck.

And in nothing was he more characteristically un-English than in the frank manifestation of his enjoyment, bubbling over with an infectious jollity, and never, even when touched by years and illness, taking his pleasures after that melancholy manner of our nation to which it is a point of literary honour not more directly to allude.

He has read widely, is well educated; but, above all, he is ever jolly, and his jollity is contagious.

For these and other Reasons I shall set out for London to Morrow, having found by Experience that the Country is not a Place for a Person of my Temper, who does not love Jollity, and what they call Good-Neighbourhood.

My Heart was filled with a deep Melancholy to see several dropping unexpectedly in the midst of Mirth and Jollity, and catching at every thing that stood by them to save themselves.

But the boys went at it as if they were going to a picnic, and a sort of picnic it was when they reached the next town, for whisky was free and grub plenty to such a party, and jollity and fun the uppermost thoughts.

The note of jollity is entirely absent.

148 examples of  jollity  in sentences