28 examples of jonquil in sentences

It was filled with white heather, violets, lilies, jonquils, gardenias and mimosa.

It seemed to me that I was walking in early morningall in the England of my heartacross meadows through which flowed a clear translucent stream, and the meadows were a mass of flowers, narcissus, jonquil, violet, for it was spring.

The neighbourhood is very rich in flora, small jonquils, daffodils, oxslips, hyacinths, violets, polygala, potentilla, anemones, Ramondia pyrenaïca, Primula farinosa, large and small gentians, linaria, and bee orchids being among the easiest to find.

l'Anglaise (St. Sauveur) " Darralde " des Quinconces "Jay of Barèges," the "Jeannette's Lamb," Jonquils Jurançon L. Labassère, a waters of (see Bagneres de Bigorre)

The garden at Magnolia Lawn had dressed itself with jonquils, hyacinths, and roses, and its bower was a nest of glossy greenery, where mocking-birds were singing their varied tunes, moving their white tail-feathers in time to their music.

[Chem]; feverroot^, feverwort; friar's balsam, Indian sage; ipecac, ipecacuanha; jonquil, mercurous chloride, Peruvian bark; quinine, quinquina^; sassafras, yarrow. salve, ointment, cerate, oil, lenitive, lotion, cosmetic; plaster; epithem^, embrocation^, liniment, cataplasm^, sinapism^, arquebusade^, traumatic, vulnerary, pepastic^, poultice, collyrium^, depilatory; emplastrum^; eyewater^, vesicant, vesicatory [Med.].

He guessed that she had seen that the table was set right; that she had had a look-in at the cooking; that the hands whose boast it was that they could shoot, had picked the jonquils in the slender bronze vase on the table.

He had been very much subdued since the developments of that first day of the trial, sat mostly in his own room, and had twice brought me a bunch of jonquils as a peace-offering.

Those infernal sleeping-cars" His voice trailed off, and I saw him looking at my mother's picture, with the jonquils beneath.

Chaucer's daisy comes equally early; and March brings daffodils, narcissi, violets, daisies, jonquils, hyacinths, and marsh-marigolds.

Here nature, in only twenty years has returned to an exuberant savagery, and all was now the wildest vegetation, dark dells, rills wimpling through deep-brown shade of sensitive mimosa, large pendulous fuchsia, palm, cypress, mulberry, jonquil, narcissus, daffodil, rhododendron, acacia, fig.

In glasses filled with water, bulbous roots, such as the hyacinth, narcissus, and jonquil, are blown.

"Daffodils and jonquils are yellow and early enough to suit the most impatient," remarked James.

"Flowers that grow directly from the ground like crocuses or jonquils or daffodils or narcissusthe spring bulbsshould be set into flat bowls through netting that will hold them upright.

Madame Danois, in the Fairy Tales, used to tapestry them with jonquils; but as that furniture will not last above a fortnight in the year, I shall prefer something more huckaback.

I love the garden wild and wide, Where oaks have plum-trees by their side, Where woodbines and the twisting vine Clip round the pear tree and the pine Where mixed jonquils and gowans grow And roses midst rank clover grow Upon a bank of a clear strand, In wrimplings made by Nature's hand

Boughs of the peach and plum trees in blossom, enkíanthus quinque-flòra, camelias, cockscombs, magnolias, jonquils are then exposed for sale in all the streets of Canton.

Lulled by the warm glow diffused through the room, by the smell of the jonquils, lilies of the valley and daphnes, by the low even talk, I am slipping into slumber.

It partook of the delicious fragrance of jonquil and of the stench of gutta percha and coal oil.

I made a yellow lyre of jonquils for the church, and helped trim it up.

Along the garden borders, Out of the rich dark mold, The daffodils and jonquils Are pushing their heads of gold; And high in her bower-chamber The little brown mother sits, While to and fro, as the west winds blow, Her pretty shadow flits.

Safe in the branching vine, Pillowed on woven grasses sweet, Our pearly treasures shine; And all day long in the sunlight, By vernal breezes fanned, The daffodil and the jonquil Their jeweled discs expand; And two and fro, as the west winds blow, In the airy house a-swing, The feeble life in the pearly eggs She warms with brooding wing!

Along the shining furrows, The rows of sprouting corn Flash in the sun, and the orchards Are blushing red as morn; And the time o' the year for toil is here, And idle song and play With the jonquils, and the daffodils, Must wait for another May. LATER POEMS.

On a visit I had to make on the mainland, the same day, I saw a tiny strip of garden ground, rescued from the sandy road, called the street, perfectly filled with hyacinths, double jonquils, and snowdrops, a charming nosegay for February 11.

This morning, Sunday, I peeped round its immediate neighbourhood, and saw, to my inexpressible delight, within hail, some noble-looking evergreen oaks, and close to the house itself a tiny would-be garden, a plot of ground with one or two peach-trees in full blossom, tufts of silver narcissus and jonquils, a quantity of violets and an exquisite myrtle bush; wherefore I said my prayers with especial gratitude.

28 examples of  jonquil  in sentences