8 examples of judicare in sentences

For, as Seneca says, there is no man but prefers belief to the exercise of judgmentunusquisque mavult credere quam judicare.

no, said she, I have lost none, but you have found yours:" signifying thereby, that all lovers were blind, as Fabius saith, Amantes de forma judicare non possunt, lovers cannot judge of beauty, nor scarce of anything else, as they will easily confess after they return unto themselves, by some discontinuance or better advice, wonder at their own folly, madness, stupidity, blindness, be much abashed, "and laugh at love, and ca

nec facile judicare potest utrum pauperior cum primo ad Crassum, &c. 2038.

Lib. 1. de non temnendis amoribus; opinor hac de re neminem aut desceptare recte posse aut judicare qui non in ea versatur, aut magnum fecerit periculum. 5558.

Nemo melius judicare potest quam tu, as Brutus said to Cicero; so you will not share in the astonishment of the Cathedral worshippers.

For, as Seneca says, "Unusquisque mavult credere, quam judicare.

If through ignorance of the law or for other reasons he was unable to come to a decision, "si vero talis causa fuit, quod ipse ... deliberare minime possit,"[60] he could call some of the freemen to assist him: "advocis [advocet] alios ... qui sciunt judicare," etc., but this seems, in later times at any rate, to have been a privilege to be used at discretion, and the persons summoned were not regularly appointed officers of the court.

In fact, the king and his ministers, in the interests of impartial justice, kept constant watch on the acts and judgments of the scabini, and a law of Lothar I. tells us that "quicumque de Scabinis deprehensus fuerit propter munera, aut propter amicitam injuste judicare" should be sent up to the king to render an account of the manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of his office.

8 examples of  judicare  in sentences