14690 examples of just as in sentences

" "I see," Mr. Ellsworth said, just as if he believed every word.

But by just as much quicker as it takes for an eyelid to wink.

" "Just as soon as I can hitch up, cousin;" and Saul pitched in his last log, looking ready to put a girdle round the earth in less than forty minutes.

That was how we came to our first village, without any trouble, just as though we had tumbled from the skies.

"It was some time before he began to take walks; and I believe he had been living in the town for six months, when one day, having stumped up the valley road for a change, and just as he was facing about for the return journey, he heard a voice in his own language singing to the air of Vive Henri Quatre.

If they have passed" "If they are ahead of us you might just as well stand out there and let me put a bullet through you, M'seur.

But the educated public is no sooner set right in this, than the honor which is due to genius degenerates; just as the honor which the faithful pay to their saints easily passes into a frivolous worship of relics.

And they would have been just as honest and just as fearless had their convictions been otherwise.

He returned just as she had finished, and lifting the lamp back to the table, called to her: "Will you come here, please?" "What in the world have you there?"

Or it is just as probable that they had come to the time of their dying, and just died naturally.

But just as the Marquis was making a series of sweeping bows by way of farewell to the ladies, Jean found himself face to face with the Superintendent of Studies, who said to him: "Oh! Monsieur Servien, will you go and take detention in Monsieur Schuver's absence?

The intellect is assured against error just as soon as, freed from hindrances, it remains true to itself, as it puts forth all its powers and lets nothing pass for truth which is not clearly and distinctly known.

And now, feeling that it was not polite to treat a young lady with seeming inattention, because he happened to be earnestly thinking about her, he began to talk to Cicely in his liveliest and gayest manner, and she, not wishing him to think that she thought that there was anything out of the way in this, or in his previous preoccupation, responded just as gayly.

The cloisters are just as when he entered them,just as they were a hundred years ago,just as they will be a hundred years hence.

Now there's a snug little fortune waiting for her that she should have had five years ago, but perhaps it's just as well it's been accumulating interest all the time.

And he turned from the door just as the bell of the cathedral struck the Ave Maria, and all in the street bowed in the evening act of worship.

My heart was beating just as fast Within that Hall of Wonder; My bliss was every bit as great

Just as if we had waited to be told this, when in fact Bessie and I had been consulting about our bonnets and dresses in the most grave and mature manner for years past, and arranging our future on plans that for variety and agreeability could not have been surpassed had we been brought up on the Arabian Nights and Moore's Poems, instead of Baxter's Saint's Rest and Pollok's Course of Time.

"I know that I ought not to have collapsed, just as I know that I ought not to hate the Germans," Marie wrote.

They are the laws which govern the work of the philanthropic reformer just as the laws of gravitation, of wind and of weather govern the operation of the engineer.

"I had a great loss," said he; "for, just as he learned to live without eating, he died.

In other words, a succession of blows or wave vibrations of a certain kind affects the ear and we call it sound, just as a succession of other wave vibrations affects the retina and we have sight.

" I turned back, and met Miles in the hall, just as he came in through the front door.

But as I drove through the gate Morten Bruus spurred his horse past me and galloped up to the very door of the house just as the rector opened it.

I loved my friends with all my might, My foes I hated just as strong, My friends were always in the right, My foes forever in the wrong.

14690 examples of  just as  in sentences