2518 examples of justifies in sentences

Whether merely warm grey, as when dry, or bright purple, as when wet, the colour of the English slate well justifies Mr. Ruskin's saying, that wherever there is a brick wall and a slate roof there need be no want of rich colour in an English landscape.

I would only observe that the general accuracy of the poet's descriptions is verified by that of the scenes in which Juan is placed in England, a point the reader may determine for himself; while the vagueness of the parts derived from books, or sketched from fancy, as contrasted with them, justifies the opinion, that invention was not the most eminent faculty of Byron, either in scenes or in characters.

But, while I cannot regard his Lordship's conduct as otherwise than unworthy, still the pains which Mr Hunt has taken to elaborate his character and dispositions into every modification of weakness, almost justifies us in thinking that he was treated according to his deserts.

All labor, whether of head or hand, is divine; and labor alone justifies a man as a son of earth and heaven.

Armed with a huge bowie-knife and pistols, these embruted creatures were very cut-throats in appearance; and it is well known there, that their conduct in general towards those they lord over, justifies the appellation I have given them.

So with Ninon de l'Enclos, the novelty of the career she laid out for herself to follow, and did follow until the end with unwavering constancy, justifies us in regarding her as the head of a new line, or dynasty.

Nothing justifies it but the honest ignorance of those who make it; nothing explains compliance with it but the deplorable weakness of authorities who yield to it.

But M. Michelet ought to have remembered a fact in the martyrologies which justifies both parties,the French heroine for doing, and the general choir of English girls for not doing.

The minds of men are at last aroused; reason looks out and justifies her own, and malice finds all her work is ruin.

The prejudice which justifies the killing of your adversary, so long as it is done in an open contest and with equal weapons, obviously looks upon might as really right, and a duel as the interference of God.

The theme being set, each plays on himself as on an instrument; asserts and justifies himself; ransacks his brain for instances and opinions, and brings them forth new-minted, to his own surprise and the admiration of his adversary.

In a moment he transmigrates, dons the required character, and with moonstruck philosophy justifies the act in question.

At the same blow it saves him from many superstitions, and his silence has won for him a higher name for virtue than his conduct justifies.

Indeed the sequel immediately justifies this suspicion, as the subsequent dates are more distant than the travelling days of the text would warrant.

What justifies Britain, as far as she has justification, is the remarkable wisdom and generosity with which she has extended, not onlylaw and order and protection to life and property, but freedom and autonomous self-government, to her colonies and subject populations, with certain tragic exceptions, about as fast as this could safely be done.

From the first this problem promised to be much easier for Sobke than problem 2, and although the actual number of trials necessary for the solution is greater by sixty for problem 3 than for problem 2, comparison of the data of the tables justifies the statement that the third problem was both easier and more nearly adequately solved than the second.

This excellent showing for the control series wholly justifies the comparison of problems 2 and 3 as to difficultness, made above.

FOOTNOTES: [Footnote 29: The following is a document which completely justifies these apprehensions: "30th MarchThe Commune of ParisOrders from the Central Committee to the officer in command, of the battalion on guard at the station of Ouest-Ceinture.

An inspection of the file of the Representative justifies Mr. Hall's remarks.

Their progress in the extensive survey required for the performance of their duties justifies the presumption that it will be completed in the ensuing year.

In presenting this plan to the consideration of Congress, I avail myself of the occasion to make some remarks on it which the importance of the subject requires and experience justifies.

The military establishment in all its branches, in the performance of the various duties assigned to each, justifies the favorable view which was presented of the efficiency of its organization at the last session.

It affords me pleasure to communicate to you that the Government of Chili has entered into an agreement to indemnify the claimants in the case of the Macedonian for American property seized in 1819, and to add that information has also been received which justifies the hope of an early adjustment of the remaining claims upon that Government.

The history of the times in which the Federal Constitution was framed and adopted, justifies the belief, that the clause of that instrument under consideration conveys the power, which Congress exercised.

The value of the property justifies the expense; and I do not hesitate to say, that in its increase consists much of our wealth.

2518 examples of  justifies  in sentences