178 examples of kaffirs in sentences

While this was going on they saw many canoes coming, and larger ones, with many of those people also naked, with tangled hair like Kaffirs, without any other arms than some sticks like half lances, hardened in the fire, with sharp points greased over.

To the Boer, as to all of us, this campaign must have taught a wonderful lesson, for many prejudices have been modified, and it has been learnt that "coolies" (as only too often the ignorant style all natives of India) and "Kaffirs," can fight with the best.

In Africa, for instance, the political relationship between the European inhabitants of our territories and the non-European majority of Kaffirs, Negroes, Hindoos, Copts, or Arabs is regulated on entirely different lines in Natal, Basutoland, Egypt, or East Africa.

My sympathy with the militiamen and the Kaffirs was 'pure,' whereas his was overlaid with remembered race-hatred, battle-fury, and contempt for British incompetence.

From these it appeared that a system of oppression and unjustifiable appropriation on the part of the whites, have from time to time roused the savage energies of the Kaffirs, and impelled them to make severe reprisals upon their European spoilers.

The longing of the Cape colonists for the well-watered valleys of the Kaffirs, and of the latter for the colonial cattle, which are much superior to their own, still are, as they have always been, the sources of irritation.

Shooter gives an amusing account of how the African Kaffirs, when a girl is averse to a marriage, attempt to influence her feelings before resorting to compulsion.

The Kaffirs, says Gardiner (101), "although far from cleanly," are fond of bathing.

From Dugmore's Laws and Customs he cites the following: "It sometimes occurs that the entreaties of the daughter prevail over the avarice of the father; but such cases, the Kaffirs admit, are rare ... the highest bidder usually gains the prize.

It is hardly necessary to call the reader's attention to the unconscious humor of the assertion of Westermarck's friend Cousins that "between their various feasts the Kaffirs have to live in strict continence"which is a good deal like saying of a toper that "between drinks he is strictly sober.

But in the first case his assertion was utterly opposed to the unanimous testimony of those who knew the Kaffirs best, while in this instance his remarks are in perfect accordance with what we would expect under the circumstances and with the testimony of the standard authorities.

They vie with the loathsome practices of the Kaffirs and the most debauched Roman emperors, while some of them are so vile that it seems as if they could have been suggested only by the diseased brain of an erotomaniac.

His imposing erudition and his cleverness in juggling with facts by ignoring those that do not please him (as e.g., in case of the morality of the Kaffirs and Australians, and the "liberty of choice" of their women) make him a serious obstacle to the investigation of the truth regarding man's sexual history, wherefore it is necessary to expose his errors promptly and thoroughly.

Robertson, G.S.: The Kaffirs of the Hindu-Kush.

Shelley, P.B. Shooter, J.: The Kaffirs of Natal and the Zulu Country.

Africans: Mutilations; Vanity and emulation; Scarification; Beauty not appreciated; Corpulence versus beauty; Concupiscence versus beauty; Kissing; Why wives are valued; Desertion of the aged; "Liberty of choice,"; Chapter on (See Table of Contents and names of peoples: Bushmen, Hottentots, Kaffirs, etc.).

Kaffirs: Cattle versus women; Pride vs. love; Pride to aid love; Uncleanly; Child-wives; No free choice; Various details.

Kaffirs of Hindu-Kush: Unjealous. Kamerun: Nudity; No individual preference; No love in.

A third of the population consists of Kaffirs and coolies.

PONDOS, a branch of Zulu-Kaffirs, 200,000 in number, occupying territory called Pondo Land, annexed to Cape Colony, in South Africa.

They arrived at Blue Hill Farm, and the sound of their horses' feet brought the Kaffirs buzzing from their huts, but the clatter that they made did not penetrate that great and desolate silence.

"Well, there are plenty of Kaffirs to do the work.

When Burke made his appearance, the whole bungalow was as seething with excitement as if it had been peopled by a horde of Kaffirs instead of only three.

The Kaffirs strolled back to their huts to resume their interrupted slumbers.

* Bill Merston came over in the evening, summoned by one of Burke's Kaffirs, and they buried Guy under the shadow of the kopje in what in a few more days would be a paradise of flowers.

178 examples of  kaffirs  in sentences