38 examples of kail in sentences

I tempit him wi' kail and meat, but he wad tak naething, and keepit me frae feeding the beast, and he was aye gurrin', and grup, gruppin' me by the legs.

The following quotation from Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary points out the frugal and temperate Scot; and, in illustration, may be contrasted with the proverbial invitation of the better feeding English, "Will you come and take your mutton with me?" "KAIL, used metonimically for the whole dinner; as constituting among our temperate ancestors the principal part, s.

"Hence, in giving a friendly invitation to dinner, it is common to say, 'Will you come and tak your kail wi' me?'

Breakfast consisted of porridge and milk; dinner, in the middle of the day, of Scotch kail and pork, occasionally varied by herrings, fresh or salt according to the season, and with the usual accompaniments of potatoes and pease bannocks.

The connection is obvious; as thus: Kail, sea-kale, sea-coal, coke, coker-nut, walnut, dessert, pine-apple, pine.

" [Divination at Hallow-e'en in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland; the stolen kail; sowing hemp seed; the winnowing basket; the wet shirt; the thrown shoe.

The stolen kail was taken home and examined, and according to its height, shape, and features would be the height, shape, and features of the future husband or wife.

Then the kail-stock or runt, as it was called in Ayrshire, was placed over the lintel of the door; and the baptismal name of the young man or woman who first entered the door after the kail was in position would be the baptismal name of the husband or wife.

Then the kail-stock or runt, as it was called in Ayrshire, was placed over the lintel of the door; and the baptismal name of the young man or woman who first entered the door after the kail was in position would be the baptismal name of the husband or wife.

The tripod seems to be substantially identical with what was known in Nidderdale as the kail-pot.

The kail-pot, as it was called, was used for cooking pies, and was buried bodily in burning peat.

The kail-pot may still be seen on a few farms."

The writer is doubtless correct in supposing that this utensil was originally employed for cooking kail or cabbage and other green stuff.

With a little good management they might very easily obtain them, however; their little 'kail-yard' alone would suffice to it, and the pork and bacon would prove a most welcome addition to their farinaceous diet.

Cauld Kail in Aberdeen.

Mr. Gregory prevented those who had attended in the morning from returning in the afternoon by just giving them, as he said, "cauld kail het again.

"If the parritch-pan," she at last burst out"If the parritch-pan gangs at that, what will the kail-pat gang for?" An ancestor of Sir Walter Scott joined the Stuart Prince in 1715, and, with his brother, was engaged in that unfortunate adventure which ended in a skirmish and captivity at Preston.

" Kail in England simply expresses cabbage, but in Scotland represents the chief meal of the day.

Hence the old-fashioned easy way of asking a friend to dinner was to ask him if he would take his kail with the family.

In the same usage of the word, the Scottish proverb expresses distress and trouble in a person's affairs, by saying that "he has got his kail through the reek."

Mony cooks ne'er made gude kail.

He should hae a lang-shafted spune that sups kail wi' the deil.

On his endeavouring to give the authorship the go-by, the old dame protested, "D'ye think, sir, I dinna ken my ain groats in ither folk's kail?" A conceited packman called at a farm-house in the west of Scotland, in order to dispose of some of his wares.

Carrier, a country, description of his journeys Catastrophe, whimsical application of the word 'Cauld kail het again' 'Ceevil,' in courtship, may be carried too far Cemeteries, treatment of, much changed Chalmers, Dr., poor woman's reason for hearing Chambers, Robert, Domestic Annals of Scotland.

Dunmore, Lord, and Billy Cream. 'D'ye think I dinna ken my ain groats in ither folk's kail?' East Lothian minister and his betheral taking degrees at a northern college.

38 examples of  kail  in sentences