24 examples of kane's in sentences

We have had Dr. Kane's book and now have the 'Japan Expedition.'

Racey turned his tousled head sidewise and whispered from a corner of his mouth, "Help me out to Tom Kane's stable.

" Ten minutes later Racey and Swing were sitting comfortably on a pile of hay in Tom Kane's new stable.

He stuffed a spur into each hip pocket, and moved cautiously and on tiptoe toward Tom Kane's barn.

"Yep," said Luke, sitting sidewise in the chair, "stubbed my toe against a cordwood stick in front of Tom Kane's barn and hit my head on a rock.

Ten minutes later Luke Tweezy, frantically quartering the floor of Tom Kane's barn, heard a slight sound and looked up to see Racey Dawson and Swing Tunstall standing in the doorway.

Red was Tom Kane's brother.

He allowed Marie to lead him across the sidewalk and into the pot-black shadow between Tom Kane's house and an empty shack.

"Gonna take root, or what?" Willy-nilly he accompanied his captor to the extremely private and secluded rear of Tom Kane's new barn.

But it was a very useless stove, and it collapsed crashingly under his weight (later he learned that even when it had been a working member of Tom Kane's menage the stove had been held together mainly by trust in the Lord and a good deal of baling wire).

Kane's Arctic Explorations"and began to read, for the tenth time, it might be, the record of these daring explorers.

Patrick was commissioned to review a book of some weight and consequence,Sir Robert Kane's "Industrial Resources of Ireland,"and he did it

The domestic condition of the people of the Valley confirmed the belief that this was the purpose of Mr. Kane's mission.

The first two days of Mr. Kane's sojourn in camp satisfied him of the cooperation of Governor Cumming in a plan for temporizing, as well as of the impossibility of enlisting General Johnston or Judge Eckels in any such scheme.

In the next place, Mr. Kane's interposition had produced an irreconcilable difference of opinion between the civil and the military authority.

With the exception of a few persons who were prepared for such a document by reflection on Mr. Kane's mission, everybody was astonished at its purport.

At the camp the Commissioners remained only three days, which they employed in obtaining accurate information concerning the transactions of the last three months; for when they started from Missouri, no news of the result of Mr. Kane's mission had reached the frontier.

Kane's countenance changed at once, and tears began to flow.

Public sentiment was on Kane's side, and he had an ovation on his release, when he became city editor of the Journal.

""I have read with more pleasure than anything else that I have read lately Kane's Arctic Explorations, i.e., his second voyage, which is certainly a wonderful story.

If Dr. Kane's character had not been free from any taint of imposture and vainglory, and if his reputation had not been of that kind which can be submitted to the austerest tests without being materially lessened, he would have suffered much in having so frank and truthful a biographer as Dr. Elder.

He is a friendly biographer,and well he may be; for he declares that his researches into Dr. Kane's private correspondence and papers revealed not a line which, if published, would injure his fame.

We have been especially interested in the account given of Dr. Kane's boyhood and early life.

To the young men of the country we especially commend this biography, in the full belief that it will stimulate and stir to effort many a sensitive youth who feels within himself the capacity to emulate the spirit which prompted Dr. Kane's actions, if he cannot hope to rival their splendor and importance.

24 examples of  kane's  in sentences