626 examples of kant in sentences

They anticipated Plato, Kant, and Hegel.

He loved art for its own sake, as good men love virtue, as Palestrina loved music, as Bacon loved truth, as Kant loved philosophy,satisfied with itself as its own reward.

Kant and Fichte.

Its conclusion startled the great German metaphysician Kant and roused him to action.

So Kant's serious philosophy was crowded out by the nonsense of Fichte, Schelling, Jacobi, Hegel.

And Kant, in spite of having written and talked all his life long, did not become a famous man until he was sixty.

For what sort of criticism should we have on Plato and Kant, Homer, Shakespeare and Goethe, if every man were to form his opinion by what he really has and enjoys of these writers, instead of being forced by authority to speak of them in a fit and proper way, however little he may really feel what he says.

And even in the case of Kant, I suspect that the second childhood of his last four years was due to overwork in later life, and after he had succeeded in becoming a famous man.

Kant said, "Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and the more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above and the moral law within."

Hence the understanding, considered specially as an intellective power, is the source and faculty of words;and on this account the understanding is justly defined, both by Archbishop Leighton, and by Immanuel Kant, the faculty that judges by, or according to, sense.

It is strange that Mr. Noble should not have heard, that these three anecdotes were first related by Immanuel Kant, and still exist in his miscellaneous writings.

But now that he had been warned to distrust everything, by the constant: "Keep still,take care," and knew that Kant led straight to Krupp, he dared admire nothing without official sanction.

Clerambault inclined to the latter explanation, and full of his recent information he held Luther, Kant and Wagner responsible for the violation of Belgian neutrality, and the crimes of the German army.

They could also prove that black was white, and could find in the works of Emanuel Kant the freedom of the world, or Prussian militarism, just as they saw fit.

Vivian Grey at Oxford had belonged to that school which has been described as professing "One Kant with a K, And many a cant with a c." At Lyonness he was supposed to have helped to break the railings of Hyde Park in the riot of 1866, and to be a Head Centre of the Fenian Brotherhood.

While yet a student she expressed an ardent desire that she might live to reconcile the philosophy of Locke with that of Kant.

What some philosophers have called intuitions, and what Kant called the categories of the mind, Lewes regarded as the inherited results of human experience.

Even among the notable writers of this region, intellectual power has usually predominated over gifts of feeling or of imagination; the arid, formal talent of Gottsched is an exemplary instance, and the singularly cold and colorless mind of the greatest thinker of modern times, Immanuel Kant, seems eminently Prussian in quality.

Intensive study of Kant's philosophy brought on an intellectual crisis, in which the ardent student found himself bereft of his fond hope of attaining to absolute truth.

Señores Kant (G. Apacible) and Raff (Sixto López) duly carried out your last instructions given at Tárlac.

But before the arrival of Kant, Raff had already come from Hayti (United States) and was able to pry in upon our political friends and enemies.

Kant and Lavater were friends of his (1740-1817).

the whole course of modern thought different; Kant by his critical method did for philosophy what Copernicus did for astronomy; he centralised the intelligence in the reason or soul, as the latter did the planetary system in the sun; Kant was a lean, little man, of simple habits, and was never wedded (1724-1804).

the whole course of modern thought different; Kant by his critical method did for philosophy what Copernicus did for astronomy; he centralised the intelligence in the reason or soul, as the latter did the planetary system in the sun; Kant was a lean, little man, of simple habits, and was never wedded (1724-1804).

KRAUSE, KARL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH, German philosopher, born at Eisenberg; studied under Fichte and Schelling, and was himself lecturer successively in Jena, Dresden, Berlin, Göttingen, and Münich, where he died; of the school of Kant, his work has suffered through the pedantry of his style; he wrote "The Ideal of Humanity," and many philosophical treatises (1781-1832).

626 examples of  kant  in sentences