17 examples of karen's in sentences

And every one in the church looked at Karen's red shoes, and all the pictures looked at them.

She had to be nursed, and waited on: and this was no one's duty so much as Karen's.

All fixed their eyes on Karen's red shoes. GRANDMOTHER.

Thank you; now I will go to my carriage while you dust Karen's shoes.

[Fairy Queen touches Karen's shoes with her wand.

And all the people in the church looked at Karen's red shoes, and all the pictures; and as Karen knelt before the altar and raised the cup to her lips, she only thought of the red shoes, and they seemed to swim in it; and she forgot to sing her psalm, and she forgot to pray, "Our Father, who art in heaven!"

She must be nursed and waited upon, and there was no one whose duty it was so much as Karen's.

COMSTOCK, HARRIET T. Karen's destiny.

WILLIAMS, SAMUEL B. Karen's destiny.

COMSTOCK, HARRIET T. Karen's destiny.

WILLIAMS, SAMUEL B. Karen's destiny.

" I see how it wuz, Karen's friends, to please her, wuz willin' to offer up their sure comforts and solid foundations as a sacrifice on the altar of friendship and the thought come over me, mebby I'd ort to.

He'd borrowed tools of the hardware man at Zoar, another of Karen's cousins, and obtained the furnace and pipes on credit, I spozed.

Karen's horrow struck, mortified looks, Jabez'es entire absence of boastin', which in itself wuz dog queer, and Rosy's instinctive turning to Royal for protection, which wuz gladly granted.

Well, that also thundered and deluged and guyzered out onto the floor accompanied by the drips and drizzles into the settin' room, Ury's flight with Philury, Karen's mourns, and Josiah's groans, for he had lost his pride and openly groaned and jawed at Jabez and sez to him: "You dum fool you!

But Karen had writ a note to me, pleadin' with me as a sister in the meetin' house, to let Jabez have this sole chance, and I showed this note to Josiah and sez, "For Karen's sake mebby

" "For Karen's sake!"

17 examples of  karen's  in sentences