91 examples of kee in sentences

" "Pray, sir," said J.R.P., "do you pronounce the name of Byron's lady- love, Guy-kee-oh-ly, or, Gwy-ky-o-lee?"

How he managed with one arm to kee

Captain Heald and his wife, by the aid and influence of To-pa-na-hee and Kee-po-tah, were put into a bark canoe and paddled by the chief of the Pottawatomies and his wife to Mackinaw, three hundred miles distant, along the eastern coast of Lake Michigan, and delivered to the British commander.

[Footnote 6: "Zi-na-ki," pronounced "zee-na-kee," spirits of purity.]

Then sound the 'Sove kee poo!'" Need I tell how Captain Peck Was the last to leave the wreck, How the good ship perished, or How he brought them safe to shore, Landing, after all his men, Clucking softly like a hen? *

Among this band there are two chiefs, Anto-kee, the head chief, and Petonoquette, a much younger man.

Anto-kee is a son of the celebrated chief Tushquaquier, who was looked upon by the Ottawas as the father of the tribe.

Anto-kee and Petonoquette are represented as very good men, well informed, and not much inclined to barbarity.

Key and ley are pronounced kee, lee. TRIPHTHONGS BEGINNING WITH E. Eau, a French triphthong, sounds like open o; as in beau, flambeau, portmanteau, bureau: except in beauty, and its compounds, in which it is pronounced like open u, as if the word were written buty.

Uay has the sound of way; as in Par-a-guay: except in quay, which nearly all our orthoepists pronounce kee.

Yee Kee, meeting Mrs. Taine at the door, explained, doubtfully, that the artist was at his work.

"Never mind, Kee.

By Robert Kee.

Robert Kee (A); 25Oct74; R588308.

By Robert Kee.

Robert Kee (A); 25Oct74; R588308.

Davis Given & Mrs. John L. Kee, Jr. (C); 10Aug77; R669240. <pb id='370.png' /> R669241.

In the twelfth chapter of his Wa-Kee-Nah, James C. Strong gives a graphic description of a bridal chase which he once witnessed among the Mountain Chinooks.

"Shaw-nee-aw-kee" and his mother, who was known throughout the tribe by the touching appellation "Our friend's wife," were welcomed most kindly, and an animated conversation commenced, which I could understand only so far as it was conveyed by gestures; so I amused myself by taking a minute survey of all that met my view.

At length a whoop from Shaw-nee-aw-kee broke the silence in which we were pursuing our way.

She had many years before married a Mus-qua-kee, or Fox Indian, and, according to the custom among all the tribes, the husband came home to the wife's family, and lived among the Winnebagoes.

The Mus-qua-kee continued, for some few years, to live among his wife's relations; but, as no children blessed their union, he at length became tired of his new friends, and longed to return to his own people.

She crept into the parlor one morning, then straightening herself up, and supporting herself by the frame of the door, she cried, in a most piteous tone,"Shaw-nee-aw-kee!

Shaw-nee-aw-kee was absent.

She came, some months after the death of her child, in company with several of the half-breed women of the neighborhood, to pay me a visit of respect and congratulation on the advent of the young Shaw-nee-aw-kee.

91 examples of  kee  in sentences