17 examples of kerbstone in sentences

A man in a blouse, with his hat on his head, mounted on a kerbstone, was speechifying and glorifying the coup d'état.

Some mounted on kerbstones or on tables, and read aloud the Decree."That is it!

Men mounted on the kerbstones read aloud the names of the 120 signatories, and, still more than on the day before, each significant or celebrated name was hailed with applause.

But he doesn't know what I know, that Kerbstone, the treasurer of the Mills, is in the street every day, looking like a gambler when his last dollar is on the table.

A few more turns of the screw and down goes Kerbstone.

Along the kerbstone a few yards in front were ranged the children of the district, row upon row, uncombed, in rags, filthy from head to foot, but silent with joy and admiration as they gazed upon the face of war.

" He stood there on the kerbstone, and all they could do 'e wouldn't budge.

There were no tears in that crowd, though the wives and sweethearts of many of the young men must have stood on the kerbstone to watch them pass.

The Philosopher and the Strategist are but shadows in this book, but though I left them on the kerbstone, I took with me the memory of a comradeship which had been good to have.

The child was lying sideways, with her face against the kerbstone.

A little girl whose name was Suzette was picked up from the edge of the kerbstone out of a pool of blood.

Kerbstone, he begs, too.

Kerbstone, whose appeals for help he had disregarded, and whose property had been wofully depreciated by the course of the "bears," of whom Bullion was chief, failed for a large sum.

Kerbstone was found to be a defaulter to the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars; the property was gone,undermined like a snow-bank in spring.

Presently Tonsor came with the news of Kerbstone's failure.

He remembered Kerbstone's appeals, also, and now cursed his own stupidity in refusing to aid him.

I did the only thing possible in that mental tumult; I walked straight to the kerbstone and held up my umbrella for a cab.

17 examples of  kerbstone  in sentences