7 examples of kessler's in sentences

The handwriting was that of a woman, and what she had written was: "If the district attorney will come at once, and alone, to Kessler's Café, on the Boston Post Road, near the city line, he will be told who killed Hermann Banf.

She now was proprietress of the road-house in the note described as Kessler's Café.

Kessler's Café lay in the Seventy-ninth Police Precinct.

In taxi-cabs they arranged to start at once and proceed down White Plains Avenue, which parallels the Boston Road, until they were on a line with Kessler's, but from it hidden by the woods and the garages.

"Is there a road-house called Kessler's beyond here?"

Painted fingers and arrows pointing, and an electric sign, proclaimed to all who passed that this was Kessler's.

The girl who makes the charge is at Kessler's Café, on the Boston Post Road, just inside the city line.

7 examples of  kessler's  in sentences