7 examples of key-ring in sentences

Have you such an article about you, Patricia?" He drew a key-ring from his pocket, and pondered over it.

" Mr. Charteris, at this point, dropped the key-ring, and drew nearer to her; his voice sank to a pleading cadence.

Then, extracting his pocket key-ring, he selected the proper key and made several attempts to insert it in the slot of the lock.

He whose key-ring lacks that open sesame never really sees the city, even though he dwell in the shadow of the Sorbonne and comprehend the fiacre French of the Paris cabman.

To that end he stuck up a peaceful citizen of Butte who was hurrying homeward with an armful of bundles, and in the warm dusk of a pleasant evening relieved him of eighty-three dollars, a Swiss watch with an elk's-tooth fob, a pearl-handled penknife, a key-ring, and a bottle of digestive tablets.

They went on again, and well down the springlike coils of the descent of Martigny they came upon the body of a manone of those wandering vendors of pocket-knives and key-rings, scissors and cheap watches.

Then, because he talked so long, the little girl leaned slowly over against his shoulder and fell asleep, while the boy fingered the knives, jangled the key-rings, clipped grass stalks with the scissors, and wound the watches one after the other.

7 examples of  key-ring  in sentences