8935 examples of keying in sentences

In forming the rafts, they use the lower three feet of hard-wood saplings, which have a crooked and knobbed butt-end, for bolts, passing them up through holes bored in the corners and sides of the rafts, and keying them.

Their nests are much like to the keies of a hasel-nut tree, when they be dried, and of the same length, but somewhat bigger, which case being broken you shall see the egges lie much like vnto antes egges, but somewhat lesser.

a moment, till I put the key of your door into the captain's pocket.'

"'What?' asked Crosby, 'does he keep the key himself?' "'Yes, indeed,' replied the girl.

"The key being once more safely in the pocket of the Captain, the girl conducted Crosby out of the door, and pointing towards a mountain lying to the west, now but just discernible.

The key to Crosby's door was still in his pocketand not a suspicion had ever entered his mind, that Crosby himself was not safely in his room.

But no one could tellno noise had been heardthe shutters of the room were safely closedthe door was lockedthe key was in his pocket.

Key West looked interesting.

He thrust a heavy key into a lock, opened a door and ushered us into an empty and elegantly furnished house.

After their disastrous attempt to run the Dardanelles in March, the English and French had been somewhat in the position of an army trying to capture Jacksonville, Florida, for instance, and instead of marching over from Georgia, compelled to go away down to Key West, and fight their way up through the Everglades.

There was something far more sinister in this passionless figure, holding his hand on the key that let loose such crazy forces, than in the poor central whirligig who merely set the rhythm of the convulsions.

Poor Bob was more subtle than I had supposed, but it was a simple subtlety, a strange chord but still in key with his character as I knew it.

There is (or was) an enormous key suspended just beneath the cross of Strasburg Cathedral, its use, and why it was placed there, having passed away from the memory of man.

Under date of November 3, 1858, Lord Caernarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, by the direction of Sir E.B. Lytton, returned a dispatch, the tenor of which is a key not only to Sir Edward's line of policy, but, in all probability, to that of his successor, the Duke of Newcastle.

He could transpose a melody in any key.

But that was because the key to all that bewildering activity was not in my possession.

KEY POINT Vulgar Hebrew CHARLESTON, WASHINGTON Night and Morning Congress and Inauguration General Jackson and Changes Cabmen and City Shopman and Drinking Levees and Buildings BALTIMORE and Terrapin The Drama ProgressFire Companies CHAPTER XIV. Philadelphia and Richmond.

The doors of the sleeping-rooms are often fitted with a very ingenious lock, having a separate bolt and keyhole on each side, totally disconnected, and consequently, as they can only be opened from the same side they are fastened, no person, though possessed of a skeleton key, is able to enter.

The parishioners made a good fight on the occasion, and succeeded in winning the pulpit, which was the key of the position, for their proper minister; but Brabant made a soldierly retreat into the chancel, mounted the altar, and there preached, standing, with a brace of horse-pistols at his side.

The reader may see a very fair specimen of them, by comparing together the last two vocabularies of Walker's Key.

But a full explanation of what is intended, will be afforded in the Key.]

Key to progress tests in Latin.

While in prison he works and lives under lock and key, like a wild animal, eager to escape.

A] in your pocket slave, my key you.

Bac. Whats that in your pocket slave, my key you mungrell?

8935 examples of  keying  in sentences