142 examples of keynotes in sentences

Coarseness, dullness, pudginess are its keynotes.

Lack of appetite, lack of energy, lack of response to stimuli are its keynotes and the motifs of the later years of childhood.

The completion of the first Christian Science church erected in Boston strikes a keynote of definite attention.

P. 18, l. 280, Alcestis's speech.]Great simplicity and sincerity are the keynotes of this fine speech.

Now the keynote of their practical conclusions was that Governments were doing immense mischief by meddling with a great many matters, which they would have done better to leave alone.

What is the keynote of the work?

The first three lines in the first act strike the keynote of the entire play.

This, then,endurance of the inevitable, avoidance of the evilis the keynote of the Epictetean philosophy.

" This power of endurance is completely the keynote of the Stoical view of life, and the method of attaining to it, by practising contempt for all external accidents, is constantly inculcated.

Their titles as a rule strike the keynote.

The keynote of popular feeling was quiet dignity, joined to determination, with an undercurrent of solemn gravity and responsibility.

Peaceful villages as sleepy as any in our own country districts appeared at frequent intervals, and easy prosperity was the obvious keynote of the well-wooded and undulating countryside.

Well, after finishing the book, which is in some ways a sequel to The Dark Forest, I felt so very disinclined to believe this statement that I consulted a Russian, who is very much alive, and received the opinion that, if Mr. WALPOLE has not succeeded in drawing the real average Russian, he has given us a type whose faults and virtues sound the keynote of the situation as it is to-day.

" Contentment again is the keynote of the couplets on the owl: "If an owl would enter the nuthatch's nest Its figure would have to be much compressed.

The keynote of success in any line of life, or one of the great keynotes, must be forethought and foresight.

Machiavelli was the first to declare that the keynote of every policy was the advancement of power.

Or they may take as keynotes the engaged girl's special likes, as in the case of an apple shower, a kitty shower or an old rose shower.

The keynote of my first book lies of course in the distinction between sensual love and romantic love.

Sincerity is the keynote of his whole nature, sincerity of thought, of belief, of speech, and of life.

In like manner, Blake's statement, "Without Contraries is no progression," is, in truth, the keynote to all his vision and mythology.

Simplification was, as I have said elsewhere, the keynote of the revolutionary time.

Current phrases, the keynotes of many a sermon, were fearlessly taken to pieces.

The keynote of Common-sense was separation once and for ever, and the establishment of a great Republic of the West.

Simplicity and sincerity are the keynotes of her poetry.

With hope the keynote of it all, the State has taken up the herculean task of keeping down the moving sands of the North Sea coast.

142 examples of  keynotes  in sentences