287 examples of kindliness in sentences

Thou lovest him for his kindliness, his honesty, his helpfulness,for some good quality in him.

A new kindliness has grown up, during the War, between people divided by the barriers of class, or wealth, or circumstance.

Startled, she turned towards him, meeting not hostility but a certain grim kindliness in the hard old eyes.

Men like Macaulay and Thackeray have exerted their powers to do justice to the kindliness and integrity of Addison.

It was normally the signal for an outburst of comment and confidence; but let me first say that the house in which this sitting-room was situated belonged to an elderly gentleman and his wife, each conspicuous for peaceable kindliness.

Now that the man seemed embarrassed and showed some kindliness in his manner, a Little Sister who had quite got over her fear, went up to him and told him how frightened they had been for a whole month past; that they had been told that the Reds wanted to take their house.

It was as if the armor had melted with sympathy and pity and she, in the pride of the poverty of Little Rivers, was armed with a Samaritan kindliness.

"No one is a failure who spreads kindliness and culture as he goes through life," Jack interrupted, earnestly; "who gives of himself unstintedly as you have; who teaches people to bring a tribute of flowers to a convalescent!

She preferred stupidity to common sense, when the former was allied with good form, and the latter only with plain kindliness.

This is not a moment when the peace of the world may be imperiled by personal feelings ofof kindliness for an individual.

Moffatt asked, his eyes lingering with real kindliness on the child's face.

" Elinor Hadden's sweet child-face, always gentle and good-humored, though visited little yet with the deep touch of earnest thought,smiling upon life as life smiled upon her,looked lovelier to Leslie as this whisper made itself heard in her heart; and it was with a sweeter patience and a more believing kindliness that she answered, and tried to enter into, her next merry words.

Alexander threw his heart into this scheme; in his kindliness he supposed that the pretended willingness of the nobles meant something; but the serf-owning caste, without openly opposing, twisted up bad consequences with good, braided impossibilities into possibilities: the whole plan became a tangle, and was thrown aside.

But soon came a day when the young Tzar revealed to Europe not merely kindliness, but strength.

And if there was no real feeling of kindliness for his prospective son-in-law behind the words, there was what came to the same thing, a realization that this feeling was bound to come in time.

But she had tendered her gift with a spontaneous naturalness, an unaffected kindliness, and an innocent disregard of conventionalities, that would have disarmed a man with much less native gentleness than Aaron King.

232, n. 1; introduction to her, ii. 364, n. 3; kindliness, iv.

It would be the failure and waste to the country of noble and astonishing efforts; it would be the break-up and collapse of a great and cheap system, by which light and human kindliness and intelligence are carried to vast tracts, that without its presence must soon become as stagnant and hopeless as many of the rural communes of France; the blow would at the moment cripple and disorganise the Church for its work even in the towns.

Full-grown men, it is true, will walk about together, hand in hand, with boyish kindliness, or meet with hugs and embraces; but their love, though specious, is hardly real.

He was handsome, volatile, inconsiderate, impudent, brave, and of a generous, open nature, combined with kindliness; she was thoughtful, judicious, persistent, and probably a little cold and hard, such, in fact, as she must needs have become in the school of her father, Louis XI.

All the kindliness and mercy that he had felt toward Langlade disappeared.

We sat in silence and looked out over the placid waves on whose future kindliness so much of my hostess's happiness seemed to depend.

Yet it uplifts us like a trumpet with its coarse kindliness and honesty, and the lover in 'Maud' could actually persuade himself that this abominable noise resembled his lady-love's name.

His big dark eyes were brimful of amusement and kindliness, and it was like coming into a warm room on a cold day to have his friendly glance directed upon you.

The curious cold white light of morning that shines over all the tales, the folklore simplicity with which 'a man or a woman' are spoken of without further identification, the loveone might almost say the lustfor the qualities of brute materials, the hardness of wood, and the softness of mud, the ingrained belief in a certain ancient kindliness sitting beside the very cradle of the race of manthese influences are truly moral.

287 examples of  kindliness  in sentences