12 examples of kindling-wood in sentences

This was not till three years had passed and then his salary was only eighty-five gulden (about £7, or $35) besides a little corn and wood and some kindling-wood.

" A stout work-knife, with broad, one-edged blade, and square tip; used to hew down trees, and cut kindling-wood.

She must try what she could do; the fire must be brightened,the draught turned on, ashes raked out, kindling-wood thrust in if necessary, to make things hotter.

But I'll let her know the mare's mine, and the buggy's mine, all but the harness; and I tell you, Sir, I'll see the mare drowned in Charles River and the buggy split into kindling-wood, before you shall have a ride to Captain Grant's this day.

Add to this the probable gifts to similarly fortunate relatives of a competent local waitress, of an equally generously disposed laundress with cousins, not to mention the genial, open-handed generosity of a hired man in the matter of kindling-wood and edibles, and living becomes expensive with local talent to help.

he shouted, at the top of his voice, to a negro girl, who was gathering kindling-wood among the chips of a ship-yard, "scamper over to neighbour Homespun's, and rattle away at his bed-room windows: the man has overslept himself it is not common to hear seven o'clock strike, and the thirsty tailor not appear for his bitters.

Smashed to kindling-wood and burned to ashes, she has taken her last flight to the heaven for good and brave birds of war.

" "I do not think that Kitty ever uses it in the kitchen," said Miss Harson, "for she is supplied with kindling-wood for that purpose.

He determined that after this was done, and he could find nothing better to do, he would split up the little vessel which the Rackbirds had left rudderless, mastless, and useless, and make kindling-wood of it.

Teach me, my father, to be worthy of you in this strait, to the like of which surely never was man brought before!" The men-at-arms clattered roughly down the street, shifting their burden as if it had been so much kindling-wood, and quarrelling as to their turns.

Place a large handful of shavings or loosely twisted or crumpled papers upon the grate, over which lay some fine pieces of dry kindling-wood, arranged crosswise to permit a free draft, then a few sticks of hard wood, so placed as to allow plenty of air spaces.

We sold glass insulators by the hundred as patent American teacups, and brackets by the thousand as prepared American kindling-wood.

12 examples of  kindling-wood  in sentences