42905 examples of kinds in sentences

"I thought I knew, in the old Gaston days, how many different kinds of a scoundrel you could be, but you've succeeded in showing me some new variations in the last few minutes.

In this indefatigable appetite for work of all kinds, he reminds us of no modern politician so much as of Sir George Cornewall Lewis; yet he would not have altogether agreed with him in thinking that life would be very tolerable if it were not for its amusements.

Here he is in full accordance with the teaching of Aristotle, who, of all the various kinds of friendship to which he allows the common name, pronounces that which is founded merely upon interestupon mutual interchange, by tacit agreement, of certain benefitsto be the least worthy of such a designation.

"Next to the immediate blessing and providence of Almighty God", Lord Clarendon was often heard to say, "I owe all the little I know, and the little good that is in me, to the friendships and conversation I have still been used to, of the most excellent men in their several kinds that lived in that age".

The rest of the time goes in feeding, digesting, sleeping, sitting about, relaxation of various kinds.

The only exercise of reason allowed among such, is a sort of instinct which will enable them to perform all kinds of drudgery, and to act with scrupulous fidelity to their unkind, very often brutal and faithless, husbandstask-masters would be the better name.

And God suffered it so to be, for the time, just as he did other forms of slavery and outcrying sins of various kinds.

These are especially steady, a feature of no small moment in moving stitching machinery of various kinds.

This gun will be provided with two kinds of projectiles.

In case of accidents, several kinds of which are possible, it is found very difficult to rectify the apparatus.

A number of fine agates of various kinds were found by Mr. F.C. Yeomans at the same locality.

She walked much, often visiting the zoological gardens, and she had a great liking for all kinds of small animals.

Cotton and wool was carded, spun and woven into cloth for clothes, fast colored dyes were made by boiling different kinds of roots and barks, various colored berries were also used for this purpose.

" Two Kinds.

#State ownership of various kinds#.

The little stores and bazars by the side of the street wuz full of real nice things to sell, rich Eastern woven goods, embroideries, cushions, curtains, rugs, lamps, jewels, ornaments, trinkets of all kinds, etc., etc.

For He and they well knew all the sin and pain, poverty and crime that flowed out of saloons, the ontold losses and danger to community, the brutality, fights, murders, crimes of all kinds.

There are two kinds of exhibits, one by the allied business interests or Government and the other by individuals.

As you leave this Temple you see on each side the finest specimens of Japanese art, painted and embroidered screens, all kinds of metal, laquear and ivory work; exquisite vases and priceless old delft wear, and there is a model Japanese house, you feel that you'd love to live in it.

Fans, parasols, lanterns, fireworks of all kinds, mattings, straw goods, cameras, etc., etc.

In the tea exhibit you see everything relating to this beverage, tea houses, experimental farms and over one hundred different kinds of tea are shown.

You can enter the Forestry and Fish departments through a temple built of twenty different kinds of wood.

And all the rooms wuz gorgeous with tapestries, elaborate carving, sculpture, painting, the most exquisite decorations of all kinds showing what a beauty and pleasure-loving race can gather about it of beauty and grandeur if it sets out to.

Their forestry exhibit is the finest ever brought to any Exposition and contains everything relating to the fifty million acres of Philippine forests, splendid timber, over fifteen hundred different kinds of wood, rattans, gutta percha, dye stuffs, trees yielding oil, gums, rosin, etc.

But we found out it included all kinds of measures, attitudes and angles, photographs, moulds, casts and rates of pulsation, measurements of respiration, tryin' to measure and estimate as well as they can the different physical values of the different races and people, it wuz a sight to see it.

42905 examples of  kinds  in sentences