112 examples of kinetics in sentences

They are the good workers, the efficients, the kinetic successes of the driven world.

After lunch, I hopped on the back of Alexyz's Kinetic Honda and we set off to visit the homes of all those participating in the exhibition, informing them to keep their exhibits ready for us to collect the next day.

"When we learned that lesson, and learned it well, it dawned upon us that we were living in the pranic globe at the same kinetic level or plane of that globe, the line where its solids and liquids and gases mingled and passed from one state to another, the kinetic belt in which our solar globe has been made, and that we were living as truly on that globe as we were on this prakritic globe.

"And then the great truth came that we lived in the manasic globe, at the same kinetic level; and that we lived our lives on the four globes simultaneously.

The ether of all prakritic matter belongs to the kinetic or creative belt of the solar etheric globe.

In the vast manasic globe that includes this whole material universe there is the same kinetic belt or skin of "phenomena" or vibration similar to that kinetic belt in which we live on the earth, and the manasa which permeates the Alcyonic globe, the solar globe, and the earth is that kinetic manasa which is involving and evolving.

Between them, created by the interchange of these two forces, is our "skin" of phenomena, or kinetics.

The central note, D of the scale, represents the battle ground between the field of kinetics.

This division of the Light from the Darkness was all that was required for evolution on the manasic globe within the kinetic belt.

All the atoms of thought or manasa, surrounding each and every pranic atom, and making its molecule of energy, so to speak, were that particular kind of kinetic manasa ready to change its rate of vibration within an octave, and the forms prana assumes from the action of thought within the kinetic belt were living and thinking.

When within this kinetic belt of the prana the etheric solar globes formed here and there, they were three fold, each atom of the new plane of matter having its surrounding envelope of prana- manasaa specialization of the pranic world in which (what we call) force had been added to life and mind.

The light transferred to this etheric globe from its mother, Alcyone, manifests itself in the lower vibration of the sun as Attraction; in the higher vibrations of its envelope as Repulsion, and within the kinetic skin wherein these forces play, the prakritic globes, planets, were born.

He was the product in kinetic manasa of the three spiritual planes above him, precisely as the animal man was the product in kinetic prakriti of the three material planes above him.

ELECTRICITY, ETC.Steps toward a Kinetic Theory of Matter.

KENNARD, EARLE H. Kinetic theory of gases; with an introduction to statistical mechanics.

Howard Pease (A); 27Oct69; R471107. PEASE, MARGARET S. Equilibrium and kinetics of gas reactions.

SEE PEASE, ROBERT N. PEASE, ROBERT N. Equilibrium and kinetics of gas reactions; an introduction to the quantum-statistical treatment of chemical processes.

Kinetics and catalysis.

Kinetics of chemical change in solution.

Howard Pease (A); 27Oct69; R471107. PEASE, MARGARET S. Equilibrium and kinetics of gas reactions.

SEE PEASE, ROBERT N. PEASE, ROBERT N. Equilibrium and kinetics of gas reactions; an introduction to the quantum-statistical treatment of chemical processes.

Kinetics and catalysis.

Kinetics of chemical change in solution.

An Introduction to thermodynamics, the kinetic theory of gases and statistical mechanics.

KINETICS, the science of the action of forces causing motion; both this law and the two preceding are derived from a Greek word signifying "to move.

112 examples of  kinetics  in sentences