7 examples of knebel in sentences

I replied that I hoped to come in contact with Herr von Knebel; on which he promised me a letter which would insure me a more favorable reception.

Today I received twenty-one of Propertius' elegies from Knebel and shall look them over carefully and then let the translator know where I find anything to object to; for, as he has given himself so much trouble, nothing ought, perhaps, to be altered without his sanction.

Knebel wants the Elegies to be divided into three contributions; I, too, think this the right proportion, and we should thus have the first three numbers of next year's Horen nicely adorned.

In Goethe's diary Schopenhauer's name frequently occurs, and on the 24th November 1813 he wrote to Knebel: "Young Schopenhauer is a remarkable and interesting man....

At this epoch, and in the midst of these occupations, I was sitting one evening with a struggling light in my chamber, when there entered a well-formed, slender man, who announced himself by the name of Von Knebel.

I proceeded with Von Knebel to the young princes, who received me in a very easy and friendly manner.

67-75; J. Knebel, "De Weertijger op Midden-Java, den Javaan naverteld," Tijdschrift voor

7 examples of  knebel  in sentences