3953 examples of knelt in sentences

" He knelt to her; she would not relent.

Moved by a great fear he knelt down, and looked into her drooping face.

" She kissed the pillow as she knelt, and wet With flooding tears was that fair coverlet.

I was not in the church, yet I saw you clearly when you knelt at the altar and raised the golden cup to your lips.

He rose, sighing more than ever, and crossing the room, knelt down to secure the rebellious ribbon.

No sooner had he knelt, than Miss Fanny made a movement which attracted Redbud's attention.

With many remonstrances at being thus unceremoniously suppressed, Mr. Ralph knelt down, and untied the string.

And to display her indifference, Fanny knelt on one knee to pick up her gloves.

Having held out until his vessel was quite unmanageable, and almost his whole crew killed or wounded, he prevailed on the rest to agree to the resolution he had formed, knelt down on the deck, and putting up a brief prayer for pardon for the act, thrust a light into the powder-magazine, and was instantly blown up with his companions.

Kitwater knelt beside them and examined them more closely.

" Turning to the little Shan he despatched him with a message to Handiman, and when the other had disappeared, knelt down beside the tall man and set to work to examine his injured foot.

It was said that miracles were worked at his tomb, that the sick were cured, and that the worldly affairs of those who knelt at his shrine prospered.

" Hilda knelt to her trunk.

But Tyee knelt on one knee and lined the sights of his rifle on the rearmost Sunlander.

I knelt down to make more sure, and looked all round the plant, and still found nothing, though it was light enough to see a pebble, much more to catch the gleam and flash of the great diamond I knew so well.

The candle had long burnt out, but the fire was bright, and he knelt a moment by the trestle-table before he went out.

She stole out to him that evening after the bridal finery was put away, and knelt at his feet in her plain little muslin dress, her hair all out of crimp, slipping from her net behind her ears,Harrie's ears were very small, and shaded off in the colors of a pale apple-blossom,up-turning her flushed and weary face.

She was with Magdalen and Mary in the garden belonging to the house, and almost prostrate from grief, with her whole body bowed down as she knelt.

They again knelt upon him, tied down his arms, and drove the second nail into his left hand; his blood flowed afresh, and his feeble groans were once more heard between the blows of the hammer, but nothing could move the hard-hearted executioners to the slightest pity.

Why didn't you let me know?" Mr. Wilks muttered that he didn't know, and lay crossly regarding his attentive neighbour as she knelt down and daintily lit the fire.

The evening sunshine streamed in through the open window, and alighting on the white hair of the minister and the boy's fair curls, as they knelt together, bathed them in a golden glory.

"I knelt down," says he, "to receive the punishment, which was inflicted by Mr. Braughton, the city officer, with a HEAVY COW-SKIN.

Cordelia Running Bird heard the fierce discussion through the open door, near which she knelt at work, and the bitter tears ran down her face.

Being ushered into the Divine Presence, he knelt humbly and said, "Lord, I beg thee to tell me how long I shall live."

But the advantage to the second was of short duration, for back went the first's guards again, and down came the ball to their goal line with short, remorseless gains, and presently, when their quarter knelt on the last white line, the dreaded happened, and Blair lay between the posts with half the second eleven on top of him, but with the ball a yard over the line.

3953 examples of  knelt  in sentences